Greetings from GILBERT

- 4 - that it is generally understood, its content beseechingly and, in spite of the unfamiliar thoughts, logically understandable, the mood serious and caring. I find that he succeeded and what remains for me to do is to fulfill his wish, namely to make these letters accessible to the broadest possible public. I have probably turned into a veritable “Noah”, the difference being that I don’t go from door to door to raise my voice admonishing. I will have to take GILBERT’S warning to people in a different way. Maybe you who read this could be our multiplicators? Hand the text onto others and this will make a start. How will it all pan out? – I have no idea, one thing I know for sure, I can sympathise with the content of GILBERT’S letters and I will therefore follow his recommendations. Letters from the World of Light 1st Letter 7th of February 1993 The danger Dear people, I write to you from the high spheres of the heavenly cosmos. I am one of God’s Messengers of Light. My name is GILBERT. As a Messenger of Light, I have the task of watching over your planet and to support everything that is within the terms of our eminent Lord. Understanding the existence and the assignments of Messengers of Light comes closest to your notions of angels. Many of you believe in the existence of angels or the existence of similar, positive but nameless figures. Associations like light, love, protection, trust or God’s messengers and similar notions are connected to them. My message has the aim of warning you about the threatening danger of the annihilation of the population on Earth. Besides, I also want to tell you what creates this danger and what you can do to avert this terrible situation, as individuals, with others and with us. You might become more strongly aware that the planet Earth is subjected to a permanently growing negative flow of energy. Its origin is to be found in the behaviour of mankind and its associated intransigence, well actually blindness. Hatred, discord, greed, envy, fear and egocentricity (ego) and the push for power create negative energy fields that become constantly more powerful. If this development is not arrested, planet Earth and all the people on it will move towards a final end. A chaos through war, destruction and desperation of unimaginable proportions will bring an end to the Earth. The danger that this will happen is very real. But we, the Messengers of Light, still see a chance of averting this end and we require your help to do so. If you employ all your power and love on behalf of yourself, all the others that you love and all human beings, on behalf of God’s universe, we still see a possibility to initiate a different development and thereby opposing this threat. At this point in time, it is our task to put an end to this negative development. In co-operation with many positive forces, we try to activate the vibrations of love in the hearts of people. Many signs indicate that a growing number open up to our endeavours and consciously try to lead a positive life. But a counter current is also gaining momentum and it promotes human chaos, fears and hatred. More and more people can unfortunately not parry these influences.