Greetings from GILBERT

- 13 - able to brighten the Earth’s radiant garment. God will recognise this radiance. But even if all of us together do not succeed in effecting this miracle, you will have done your best. This is what we wish for you: A radiant garment for the Earth, s sparkling jewel, not just on the outside, but also inside. Glory to God on high, may peace be with you. * * * 10th Letter 18th of April 1993 Love in everyday life Ladies and gentlemen, this day on your planet is a day like all the others. You have probably woken up from a comfortable warmth, refreshed yourself, had a good breakfast and then went to work in a more or less lusty manner. You have eaten, loved and later went to bed. You have not given God and his infinite love one thought the whole day. You were so occupied with the events of the day that there was probably no room for such thoughts. But – you were probably friendly and ready to help, but were you in a position to forego something to benefit somebody else? You shared the anguish of your colleague who feels desperate because of the illness of his wife, you cared for your neighbour who needed help and you did not think about God all this time? Was this really the case with you today? Well, I can assure you that God was with you the whole day, because through your humane actions you open up to him without being conscious of it. To be simply human, this is what it is about, nothing more. To open yourself to the vibrations of others, to perceive your fellow men and not to shut yourself off from the misery of your brothers and sisters on Earth. To give unspectacular assistance, nobody is expected to become an Albert Schweitzer or a Mother Theresa, but to allow a little of what these eminent citizens of the world do to flow into your everyday life suffices to help the totality. To be “human” can in the meantime unfortunately connote a threatening statement if one looks at the events taking place everywhere on your planet. To be “human” means: Killing, torturing, raping, tormenting and destroying. But if we look at the original terminus of its meaning, we find that to act like an animal means being in harmony with nature, in harmony with oneself and the environment. Human – animal, two concepts that have, under close scrutiny, been subjected to a transformation in recent times. To behave like “animals” seems to be good advice for many people on Earth. It is however a part of the human existence to develop further, to distance oneself a long way from the egotism of one’s actions. We whish that you will succeed through a small, positive act so that you can overcome egotism within all its aspects, so that it can flow into your daily actions or you might even plan it in the morning. Help your fellow men and you will also be helped, is something one hears over again. This means, in the final analysis, that through giving help that comes from the heart, a channel opens through which helping energies can penetrate to you. Just how helpful this can be is up to you to experience, a description of it will not get you anywhere. The time has really come where you should to take a closer look at your daily events in order to look for that small, positive act. The result aught to determine your attitude in regards to the next, the following day in front of you. One thing is certain: Without a good deed, nothing will happen in the long run and who wants “nothing”?