Your Earth

ASHTAR SHERAN: “The secrets in regards to gravity are of enormous importance. We have applied it to manipulate things on Earth, but once the people in the past gradually realised the consequences, lives and property was lost. Atlantis is the result of such a catastrophe! We have since refrained from revealing the laws of natural science for as long as people are not mature enough to deal with them correctly.” Money represents the greatest power on this Terra. Those with money rise in the esteem of others, but their character is ignored because one is either in fear of them or one wants to partake of their riches. Money provides the means for every war! There is no difference between money in private hands or in the hands of governments. A talk by the universal teacher ASHTAR SHERAN: Of all the planets I am familiar with, it is this Terra that represents the greatest problem . Even GOD finds that this planet is a great problem, because here is the head office, ergo the antagonist’s headquarters . But the antagonist, who would like to seize control of the whole regime, plays a game of secret science the whole world falls prey to. • The devil is not a personality, but a powerful consciousness that influences and controls billions of people. Mankind on Earth is confronted with a problem it is unable to solve by itself. When a family has a problem child, it is expected that the general public helps instead of beating it to death. Moral laws demand this. But if there is a problem child within the global family that consists of many nations, the general public wouldn’t think for a moment to help this problem child, one prefers to attack it thereby instigating a bloodbath. Demonic law demands this and it is willingly abided by. Complying with demonic laws is a costly affair, because this costs more than if one had abided by moral laws. This is certainly not a modern trend, because this has been so for millennia! • Terra is a special planet , because this planet serves the development of fallen souls that reincarnate over and over again thereby making unbelievably slow progress, but with no prospect of ever being able to get away from this planet. We ask ourselves, what would be the reason for this? We ascertained to begin with that planet Terra is – as far as we know – UNIVERSAL MANKIND’S only problem child. This is why we endeavour to help you, but not the way you would through attack and murder. We thereby want to abide by moral laws. One however only expects that the problem child is put to death, because you know of no other solution and you have never ever learned another solution. Sodom and Gomorrah is not an example, because Sodom and Gomorrah was just an operation. Terrestrial progress can only take place little by little, because terrestrial laws are mainly based on negative assessments and aberrations. Erroneous knowledge naturally produces an erroneous