Ufology - Part 3

3 Question : How can extraterrestrials deal with these rapid zigzag speeds? ELIAS : A terrestrial human being could not bear such exertions. The SANTINER can only bear them in a dematerialised state. You cannot yet comprehend what this state is all about. But there are also UFOS that carry out some very daring manoeuvres. These particular UFOS are unmanned – they are remote controlled . Their own electro-magnetic force field allows them to perform fantastic manoeuvres, but boundaries are set just the same when they’re in a materialised state. • The vacuum bubble they float in disperses fire and water and besides, all meteorites in space are repelled. • An electromagnetic force-field like the one UFO possess does not allow any projectile to penetrate. This makes them impregnable. • UFOS cannot be destroyed with terrestrial weapons. One should therefore not engage in a war with the SANTINER. UFOS naturally also have a chink in their armour. You will however never find out what it is. Something that is perfect does not exist. Their installed tele-eyes have an extraordinary rage. • As they are also using ultraviolet rays, no atmosphere can hinder them. They have indeed some very complicated instruments on board. We are however not allowed to talk about them. February 1967 Question : From the numerous letters that we receive we glean that most people are surprised that extraterrestrials do nothing to ease the great crisis we are in. This makes them lose their trust in the SANTINER. What do you say to that? ELIAS : When these extraterrestrials indent to do something they find that it does not solely rely on their own intent. They require a HIGHER COMMAND for it. They had plenty of reasons in the past to interfere, but the COMMISSION for it is still lacking. But if they had undertaken something, a war between terrestrial and extraterrestrial people would have developed. Nothing would have been gained by this. Planet Earth should on no account lose its independence. • If the SANTINER would prevent all wars they would slow down terrestrial mankind’s development in the process. The Earth is after all a planet of development and redemption and it is absolutely imperative that this is taken into consideration. GOD would certainly like to see terrestrial mankind develop further of their own accord . Good advice is certainly at its disposal, but no coercion. Mankind is in possession of the key to further development, namely the COMMANDMENTS from Mount Sinai.