Ufology - Part 3

11 Questions and answers August 1968 Question : Is it correct for us to still use the old terminology of UFO (Unidentified Flying Objects) even though flying saucers have been identified as extraterrestrial flying objects a long time ago? AREDOS : The terminology ”UFO” can be maintained, because they are indeed Universal Flying Objects . The word “Unidentified” must be replaced with “Universal”. This is the correct terminology. October 1968 Question : A book appeared in bookshops that is paid great attention to by people interested in UFOS. The author is Erich von Däniken . The book is titled: “Chariots of the Gods” ( "Erinnerungen an die Zukunft, ungelöste Rätsel der Vergangenheit.”) – Can we hear your comments to this book? AREDOS : The book is known to me. The author went to great length to shed some light on the past. A lot of his observations and evidence is correct. • Earth was indeed visited by alien human beings thousands of years ago and they did come to Earth from other planets. Because they were so superior to terrestrial human beings and because they came from Heaven, they were regarded as Gods . This is where the sciences should analogously concentrate. It is very important! This author naturally still lacks a lot of the insights our readers already have. Question : To what degree does the Christian religion concur with ufology? ELIAS : There are no objections here, because there is concordance in regards to the MISSION, it is called brotherly love . But global elucidation is unfortunately still lacking. February 1969 Question : Does the name “ASHTAR SHERAN” have a specific meaning for us terrestrial people? ELIAS : Yes, absolutely! – Like the name CHRIST, it is mystical. – His archetype is also significant. The imaginary, mystical and incredible has a great influence on mankind. What is important is that the greatest range is given to people’s power of imagination in regards to these things. This is the only possible way for ASHTAR SHERAN to carry out his MISSION under the prevailing conditions and opportunities. • ASHTAR SHERAN does fulfil the same assignment CHRIST was entrusted with here on Earth. Both of them are UNIVERSAL TEACHERS of great renown. But: Both universal teachers are not GOD himself!