Ufology - Part 3

10 and it is incrementally adapted to our own development. ASHTAR SHERAN is a UNIVERSAL TEACHER and he is in his own way a “CHRIST” for our times. International attention clearly recognised this. One has for instance undertaken some serious studies in regards to the name ASHTAR SHERAN in France. The result, formulated by a committee of an eminent esoteric journal, really surprised us. The editors of the French journal “Ondes Vives” handed us the following results: “Studying the Bible and mythologies established that the great “Ages’ play an important role in mankind’s life. We find ourselves at the end of such an Age of 2,000 years, one in which CHRIST manifested himself in order to bring in the HARVEST of the SOULS. The name ASHTAR SHERAN, according to the anagram, connotes the highest values one can calculate from a name, namely: CHRIST, HERO, LEADER, ANGEL, CHOSEN ONE.” This assessment, based on an esoteric and scientific basis, is of enormous importance to the future of this planet. The “Cart of Zeus” also enters the picture: We can only be dealing with a spaceship of the SANTINER here. The editors of “Ondes Vives” asked us to question the SANTINER in order to establish whether ASHTAR SHERAN is the re-manifestation of the man from Nazareth JESUS CHRIST? We fulfilled their request, but did not receive a conclusive answer. ASHTAR SHEERAN is an extraterrestrial UNIVERSAL TEACHER and SAVIOUR of great renown, he does however preserve the secret of his personality. * * * * * * * July 1968 One step towards the truth Russian scientists have taken our publications about extraterrestrial space travel into consideration. Particularly the things ASHTAR SHERAN had to say about the SANTINER and their MISSION made sense to them. The modification of all religions thereby gains credibility. French and Italian experts have also shown a specific interest and promoted our contact reports. This is a great and meaningful step towards the truth. The leader of a UFO study group, Hermann Ilg 1 , has also come up with some very positive observations in respect to this problem. Mr. Ilg combined these thoughts in a booklet titled: “The path and aim of UFO research” . These observations were very much to our liking and they fit in very well with our own mission. We can therefore recommend this booklet, because it makes a contribution towards awakening our understanding of our extraterrestrial visitors. With the help of this small booklet we can see just how important any knowledge about Ufology really is. It will become problem number one for our world in the foreseeable future. Deriders and atheists will laugh on the other side of their faces; we are certain of this. 1 The well-known UFO researcher, certified engineer Hermann Ilg from Reutlingen died earl May 1999 aged almost 80 years.