UFO-Contacts - Part 1

9 We continue to endeavour to beseechingly verify our existence, ours and that of the world of the spirit also. OTHAR SHIIN. UFO-Contact (By H. V. Speer) January 1962 To make assumptions about UFOS is a grave mistake. Experience has taught us that almost no assumption ever hits the mark. Our terrestrial thought processes, devoid of extraterrestrial experiences, are unfortunately not capable of correctly comprehending many of the phenomena UFOS and their occupants offer us. These are the reasons why the truth is confronted by a sceptical shaking of people’s heads everywhere. Only the few amongst you, those that in one way or another meet with our BROTHERS from the STARS, or those that are invisibly approached, are confronted with the overwhelming fact that an alien INTELLIGENCE reveals itself to them. It is very difficult to make such phenomena comprehensible to one’s fellow men. This difficulty often produces a situation where these people, those that are called contactees, are exposed to the severe ridicule of ignorant fellow human beings. Well, even Church representative are rarely an exception, not to mention scientists from all the various disciplines. Our most excellent medium Monika-Manuela for instance, has consequently also been harassed, because the well-known journal “Revue” reported about such contacts in detail. Young people in particular had their fun with her. They called her “planet wife” in public and made all kinds of comments without actually knowing that they committed blasphemies; because we are dealing with divine phenomena that surprise us here. Almost all contactees had similar experiences and it matters not where they live. They are ridiculed and persecuted the moment they talk about these phenomena. But what is even more contemptible is when these contactees reciprocally undermine each other’s experiences. This is where the fun stops! The moment the BROTHERS from the STARS find out that their messages are abjectly treated or used for insalubrious business deals , or that they are falsified in any way, all contact with them is immediately and irrevocably interrupted. The genuineness of a contact with the stars, that is to say, with the SANTINER, can certainly not be verified with the usual scientific line of argumentation. The human mind alone is the gauge that such messages can be assessed by. Their value must be assessed by every human being individually. • A genuine contact verifies itself simultaneously through its exquisite content. In order to correctly apply one’s mind, one naturally requires specific experience in the field of psycho-science. As the majority of people hardly show an interest in this field of knowledge, the circle of people with that kind of experience is accordingly very, very small.