UFO-Contacts - Part 1

28 of communication. • ASHTAR SHERAN is a TEACHER endowed with enormous KNOWLEDGE. He has an insight into the secrets of the universe and he knows the history of planet Earth. He knows about things that would remain forever hidden from you. He knows about the demise of Sodom and Gomorra and he knows about the miraculous messages of Fatima. You can completely trust him. He deserves your trust. • There is only one ASHTAR SHERAN! – Well actually only one ASHTAR, because SHERAN is only his title. – He is the LIGHT that precedes the salvation and enlightenment of mankind. UFO-Contact May 1963 After the con by the name of “Michalek” has been exposed, one could assume that the whole UFO problem will slowly fade away – or that the whole affair was just one big bluff. However those that begin to have doubts should take a look at the Holy Scriptures. Those that have some knowledge about UFOS will find their existence completely confirmed. UFOS still fly over our cities and countries. This should appease us. They are here and they monitor our activities. We were recently asked whether a landing by extraterrestrial spaceships has been abandoned. Most friends of UFOS wait with anticipation and yearning for such a mass-landing. We made some inquiries with our spiritual CO-WORKERS: A mass-landing will not take place in the foreseeable future. One was indeed planned – but it has actually been abandoned. The reason for this is found in our terrestrial situation. Nuclear threats have risen to unimaginable heights in recent times. America and Russia stockpile nuclear bombs at quantities that could destroy the whole world. The SANTINER are well aware that they represent a superiority, but any interference, that is to say, the mass-landing of spaceships would trigger such a panic that its results would be difficult to imagine . Even an official landing of one single UFO could trigger such a panic. Those that doubt this should please remember an American radio broadcast of an alleged spaceship invasion. This broadcast caused a sense of panic in large section of the population. During the last days we once again made contact with the SANTINER. Besides, we have our spirit TEACHERS to help us make further progress on this subject matter. Unless this communication channel is interrupted, it will be possible for us, like in past years, to publish a new brochure about this problem. The moment its content has been secured, we will announce this work in our Menetekel brochure. It has already become apparent that the SANTINER, under the direction of ASHTAR SHERAN, will go all out in order to indoctrinate terrestrial mankind in such a way that they inevitably have to steer along a new course. But it is equally apparent that the SANTINER will not volunteer any technical details about their spaceships. They keep these secrets to themselves. The messages of the SANTINER are after all very precious. We will concisely arrange them so that they can be published as an entity in its own right.