Not from this Earth - Part 3

2 Looking at the painting, one can indeed clearly see the presence of an oval flying object of a lead- blue colour that evidently moves in the air. The latter indicated by the presence of luminous prongs of a golden, yellow colour around the contours of the object, which nearly suffice to indicate the direction it might be travelling. Facts that are in conspicuous contrast to the complete calmness of the figures and the rural nature of the background. Particularly interesting is the fact that this object is observed by a shepherd (See magnified cut- out) positioned to the right of the Madonna and depicted by the painter with his right hand on his forehead, ergo in an obviously observing pose as well as his dog, who seems to be obviously barking at the object that is flying by, something that is often reported in present day UFO sightings. 1 At this point we now have to ask, what was it the author wanted to depict, because in the 15 th Century there were no terrestrial machines that could fly. We know a few things about this person called Lippi, namely that he was a human being that was regarded as quite unconventional, as impulsive and sensitive. The art critic Piero Bargellini writes in his “Florentine paintings of the 15 th Century” in regards to his landscape painting and his school: On the one hand he paints the background of his paintings filled with roaming lights, mysterious semi-shades that anticipate certain “visions” of Leonardo da Vinci . One could therefore almost believe that it was the artist’s intention to convey his visionary experiences to the masses through his own work and to connect such events with something as expressive as the birth of Christ, something a number of ufologists of renown, still acknowledge today. We can ultimately base our assumption that this object was of extraterrestrial origin on one further 1 Due to multiple copying processes, the finer details have unfortunately been lost. Painting: LA MADONNA E SAN GIOVANNINO by Filippo Lippi