What VERITAS tells us is - Addendum

The responsibility artists have is much greater than they imagine! They are leaders of mankind. But they can also be beguilers of mankind. Artists can even be possessed by most eminent SPIRITUAL FORCES. Their high grade of psychic ability, if they are real mediators and if they consciously sense that intuition allows them their use their great CREATIVE POWERS, can certainly turn them into instruments to accomplish their aims . These aims do however diverge from one another. They are called: CREATION and destruction! • Mankind, namely those that sense the language of artists in their works of art, absorb it within their soul. It touches all their senses and it changes man’s souls in respect to all its feelings. An artist can for this very reason be a messenger from GOD, an angel or an adjutant of the devil. The force and power of expression of artists is so powerful that they share the responsibility for the behaviourism of people and whole nations. The artist therefore shares responsibility in regards to hatred between nations or how nations are perceived. The language of their souls are more powerful than all other means of communication. Artists can awaken humaneness and promote progress through the power of their soul’s language. Poets and authors are also artists, because they utilise language. It is their means of communicating. We are aware of the power that lies within this form of communication between people and between nations. Language makes the realisation of GOOD and evil accessible and this includes all insights into the natural sciences. It influences the soul and allows images to arise. • All human beings that disseminate their thoughts through language or scripts in a way that attracts the attention of the majority of mankind are artists. The question is however, are they servants of GOD or servants of the anti-spirit? This is what’s important! * * * * * * * Comment: Schopenhauer’s (VERITAS) expositions inspire contemplations. Almost all of today’s artist deviate a long way from this insight. They could however fulfil a great assignment if they would see their talents engaged in an EMINENT MISSION. With the support of the spirit, their works could be an object lesson in regards to the divine PLAN of SALVATION. For art academies to profit from this indoctrination would be progress. We wish all our friends and readers all over the world a blessed Pentecost! Pentecost is the fete of spiritualists, because CHRIST’S disciples turned into trance mediums and spoke in tongues even they did not understand. What VERITAS tells us… (40) August 1964 Theology is religion’s special knowledge subject. Religion is devotion to nature, ergo the veneration of GOD. This explicitly expresses that the veneration of GOD is already possible through the devotion shown to nature. The sciences deal with nature to an exceedingly high degree and philosophy is part of the sciences, because it is the science of the wisdom of life. One can specifically expect devotion to nature from it. But what does the reality look like? Most natural science scientists try to deny GOD’S involvement in all experiments and research. They are virtually ashamed to use the word GOD. They prefer to say “X” – the unknown. But these