Sin and Justice

2 Group’ in Berlin long before , but that they were not disseminated.” In regard to the credo of spiritualism Haack writes: “This denomination contains great religious concepts. It sometimes also shows a deep understanding for religion’s basic truths, which enjoy an eminent position within the Christian faith. Like for instance the way God’s augustness and inconceivability is lauded in the form of the father’s infinite love, wisdom and refinement.” But on the other hand it states that: “The measuring stick for the correctness of such and similar statements must always be the objective doctrine of the church.” Bad Salzuflen, February 2000 What is a transgression? (Transmission from the year 1960) Well, GOD gave mankind COMMANDMENTS. A COMMANDMENT is a warning. He, who does not heed such a warning, is in danger of burdening himself with great suffering. • A divine COMMANDMENT is a FATHERLY WARNING and an ADMONITION to avoid a situation of great danger. • The FATHER is unable to help, if ignoring the well meant warnings results in such harm. Had these COMMANDMENTS originated in the mind of man, they would only be of subordinate importance. • A divine COMMANDMENT warns about something invisible, from harm that the human mind has no oversight over. Such harm can have disastrous consequences for one’s whole human existence, well, even for a whole family or clan. The danger inherent in every warning is enormous! You bear reference to your logic and your common sense. Academics and researchers in all kinds of fields place particular importance in this conclusion. As a mediator between GOD and man I ask you: • Is it logical and judicious to simply ignore WARNINGS about superlative, hidden dangers and to deride the WARNER? – You cannot give me an answer to this, because you believe that transgression and vice are a blessing. • But only positive work is a blessing! GOD’S COMMANDMENTS do not lie comfortably with you and indeed, you have created a world for you that makes is impossible to abide by these important COMMANDMENTS. – But I have to tell you that you completely misunderstand the value and the concepts of such WARNINGS. You are used to interpret everything through your technical concepts. Well, I will talk to you using your