The souls

sent lethargy and gain a new momentum for continuing research. The puzzle of the human soul lies a lot deeper than anticipated in the past. One has always looked for the soul in the wrong place or one has overlooked the deciding factor in the right place. Everything indicates that the soul is not within our own consciousness but outside of it. The brain doesn’t think, it’s the soul that thinks utilising the brain in the process. If the soul has any organising abilities, then man is its physical form of expres- sion. Bad Salzuflen, December 1992 A broad field of research (Transmission from the year 1962) The sciences establish a new faculty for researching the mind. It is the field of psychology. But psy- chologists unfortunately assume that the soul is only present in the activities of the brain . Therefore the soul is not recognised as something autonomous, but only the activity of certain nerve cells. But anything indicating a special effort by the soul is simply relegated to the human subconscious. The subconscious is therefore regarded as a reservoir for all inexplicable processes one avoids having to define at all costs. It is absolutely clear to every serious researcher of the humanities that psychology has taken a wrong turn somewhere. To recognise the soul as an independent, viable entity inevitably leads to theism 1 , therefore to GOD! But as psychology rejects this evidence, one is quite content with its counterpart, namely with every atheistic explanation of supernatural processes within the human consciousness. The best evidence for the existence of the soul is still forthcoming from uncivilised native tribes with their spirit cult, which is distorted. These tribes are psychic and know the hereafter from personal experience. There is a lot of other evidence, which is completely wrongly assessed, because a posi- tive, respectively an assessment closely related to the truth is completely undesirable. We come across this evidence on a daily basis. I will give you such an example: Addictive and recre- ational drugs lead to poisoning, which will separate the connection between the soul (spirit) and the body (matter) step by step.  Marihuana, opium and cocaine are substances that have a very disengaging affect on the brain, because the brain is the mediator between spirit and matter.  Hemp and hashish are also poisons to the mind. They create a state whereby people are more or less separated from the physical, thereby bringing them closer to the hereafter. It’s a momentary situation between “life and death”, but the body overcomes this most of the time until a new state of intoxication sets in. These people experience conditions that allow them to see and experience all kinds of situations from the fourth dimension, in this state of intoxication. A float- ing sensation for instance. An interplay of otherworldly reflections of light, but also the flora and fauna of the otherworldly spheres become perceptible and also visible .  These selfsame symptoms also happen with alcohol abuse. The effect of alcohol is a lot slower - but in a severe case of inebriation it also separates the soul from the brain to such an extent that enables the sense to experience the hereafter to a higher degree. This doesn’t happen without a struggle, it causes an uncomfortable dizziness and a disturbance of the 1 Theism (from the Greek:Theos = God) Indoctrination proclaiming that contrary to atheism, God is sentient and exists for all eternty.