The souls

1 PSYCHO-SCIENTIFIC FRONTIERS Selected publications from a variety of subjects of psycho-scientific research. Editor: Rolf Linnemann (Certificated Engineer) * Steinweg 3b * 32108 Bad Salzuflen * Tel. (05222) 6558 Internet : E-Mail : Translator’s email: Excerpts from the Menetekel brochures from the years 1956 - 1975. Theme: The souls Questioner : Medialer Friedenskreis Berlin Mediums : Uwe Speer (17) and Monika-Manuela Speer (15) MESSENGERS of LIGHT : ELIAS, ARGUN, AREDOS The Medialen Friedenskreis Berlin, a Christian/Spiritual community, between the years of-1956 - 1975, psy- chically received these published words. The messages are a part of the Menetekel , a collection of about 4500 pages in A4 format, spanning 20 years and recently re-catalogued. All mediumistic messages were left in their original form even if sometimes similar questions are asked. The work of the two mediums began when they were 15 and respectively 17 years old. The total production of the MFK-Berlin, (MFK stands for Medialer Friedenskreis), the Menetekel and the 21 messages from our space-brothers, are considered the absolute pinnacle of psycho-scientific exploration. Other spiritual circles have tried to copy their work, but its quality was never achieved. The distribution of these recently re-catalogued messages and protocols is explicitly encouraged and is not covered by any copyright. ___________________________________________________________________________________ _ Preface by the publisher Natural-scientific definition most of the time only touch the surface and not the essence. Goethe's “Faust”, from a natural-scientific point of view can be dissolved into lumps of paper made from rags and printer’s ink, one of Mozart’s arias can be natural-scientifically explained as a series of consecu- tives vibrations in the air. But does such a definition go far enough? The world is indisputably a natural-scientific problem, but also an aesthetic, ethical and metaphysical problem. But our knowledge about it only piecework. Human beings represent the greatest of all mysteries. Psycholo- gy, dealing with its highest functions has become a battlefield of opinions, with opposing definitions being presented: For some it’s purely an accumulation of chemicals, for others it represents an ema- nation of God. All attempts to solve the mysteries of the world should be adjourned until the mystery of man is solved and especially the psychological side of it, that is to say the mystery of the human soul. The most eminent personalities have dealt with this from time immemorial, but just how little pro- gress has been made shows the fact that the contrast between materialism and spiritualism is just as pronounced as it was in antiquity, actually even more so, because both parties express ever more precisely their own slogans and associated rationality. Many a doubting person has come to the con- clusion that the futility of this long lasting confliction only indicates that the soul is one of those puzzles that can’t be solved. Should one give up altogether? No! A definite abandonment is only then called for if it were to be demonstrated that one had been searching along the right lines and one had exhausted all means. But as soon as it can be verified that one has chosen the wrong path and that the necessary tool to solve the puzzle has not been made use off, will one be able to shake off one’s pre-