The hereafter - Addendum

-68 - clothing and other personal effects from one’s own ASTRAL MASS. • This is the reason why nothing should be taken from any materialisation as some researchers have already done, because this damages the ASTRAL BODY that belongs to the medium. With direct materialisations that take place with the help of a medium, the manifesting spirit utilises the ASTRAL BODY that belongs to the medium. The spirit lends this SUBSTANCE and then returns it after. We don’t necessarily follow your fashion trends in the hereafter even though we could certainly do so. (Comment: The ASTRAL BODY can be photographed these days. The Russians say that one is dealing with an “ENERGY BODY. They are not too far off the mark, because this body actually does possess an ENERGY that does not stem from physical matter.) Question : Is it true that people that LOVE one another meet in the hereafter and remain together there? AREDOS : Genuine, honest LOVE for one another is the most powerful bond. It cannot be separated in the hereafter either. LOVE can bring whole GROUPS of souls into being. Question : There is unfortunately too little justice here on Earth. What’s the situation in the hereafter in regards to justice? AREDOS : There is no justice in the lower SPHERES and certainly not in this so-called hell. The hereafter is populated by people and these people also behave in the hereafter the way they behaved during their time on Earth. There is justice with GOD, but very seldom with people. People do not even know justice in regards to themselves. Justice unfortunately depends on profits most of the time. Justice can be bought on Earth, but it is then everything else but justice, it is then justice by name only. March 1975 Question : Is there really a COURT of LAW in the hereafter? AREDOS : Woe, when negative desires retain the upper hand in people. They will superlatively revenge themselves in their otherworldly life. • GOD’S great ORGANIZATION does not demand ascetic renunciation from anybody, but it demands account of all good and evil deeds and thoughts from every soul! Nobody should believe for a moment that even the slightest VIBRATION of one’s thoughts will ever be lost in the cosmos. If this was the case, people would not have the ability of contemplation or remembrance at all. These VIBRATIONS are not stored within the mass of the brain, but within the enormous space of the cosmos, where they remain and where they can be found and accessed over again. • Those that are evil forfeit all freedom. Those that are good earn this freedom as a wonderful gift from the LORD. The End