The hereafter

- 7- This assumption turned into a dangerous dogma, one that even the great Churches couldn’t eliminate; because these institutions are also very ignorant in this regard and uninterested to boot. Their disinter- est is hard to comprehend. The dogma about the “great nothingness” could only have been propagated by the antagonist of GOD, because it entices mankind from one sin to another and from one vice to another, so that mankind sinks deeper by degrees, morally and ethically. But once in the hereafter, the great lamentations begin, because only then will people begin to realise that the “great nothingness” is a grave error. One can say: When a person dies, he enters a condition that opens his eyes and allows him to recognise just how very wrong he was! Many people believe that death puts people to sleep because on tombstones and wreath one finds words like: “Rest in peace” or: “Here rest in the name of the LORD…” or: “Here rest in eternal peace…” - etc. The Churches don’t like this, they therefore preach at the side of the grave: “Here rests until the resurrection on judgment day…” Und when someone wants to inquire about when this “judgment day” was going to be, the reply is: “Only GOD knows. Anyway it will be on the day of judgment”. JESUS talked in parables when trying to make the transcendental comprehensible. I will therefore give you a modern parable: In the mean time man has acquired the technical wonder of television. This apparatus can be tuned to various frequencies. Let’s assume that you can follow and observe you life on the “first channel“. Then the broadcast comes to an end; but you don’t switch the apparatus off but continue to observe your life on the “ second channel, that is to say, on a different frequency. Your existence in the great hereafter is also a life, but in a different way, respectively a life of a different FREQUENCY. But once this play comes to an end, the APPARATUS of GOD is switched back to the “ first channel, where life begins anew so that you can observe it on television. This is a parable that helps to make you understand that there is no “great nothingness”, also no “eternal sleep” and also no “resting till the day of judgment” because:  Judgment day is the day and the hour of your passing over to the OTHER WORLD, the “second channel”. The hereafter is a world of perceptions, exactly the way your world represents a world of secular perceptions, only under a different FREQUENCY! Spiritual confusion (Transmission from the year 1959) Criticism is only acceptable if it is accompanied by a better suggestion and followed up with tangible support. Otherwise criticism only constitutes a dilettantish affront. Everything man physically, mentally, materialistically, scientifically or technically creates on Earth is preceded by a spiritual, that is to say, by otherworldly planning. Nothing is initiated by man that hasn’t been preconceived.