The hereafter

- 38- the spiritual realm. They try to influence the people on Earth from over there. In one word: They make politics on Earth. Question : Can a spiritual entity like you walk through someone living on Earth? ARHUN : We can walk through glass and other diaphanous materials without difficulties. If we walk through an animated body, we feel a kind of electric shock . This doesn’t stop us from walking right through. The soul also enters when an earthly body is taken over. Question : Are there any elements you can’t pass through? AREDOS : This completely depends on the spiritual development. The higher the degree of devel- opment, the better matter can be conquered. It is of course a lot easier to move through air. We therefore recommend to all those wishing to conduct séances to open one window to a degree that one can walk into the room through pure air. We can of course slide through a crack in the door as we can expand and contract our astral body. Question : Would it be possible for a spiritual entity to retain his consciousness without an astral body? AREDOS : This is a difficult question. But as far as I know, this is hardly likely because we also have a brain, even if it consists of a different material. The functions of the brain are to delve into the cosmos on a certain FREQUENCY. The consciousness works with the cosmos hand in hand. Question : Unfortunately many people can’t believe that the spiritual realm is very similar in many ways to Earth, for instance, that there are also trees, meadows and flowers etc. there. Can you tell us something about that? ELIAS : Your earthly flowers also remind us of paradise. Nature, as a part of GOD’S CREA- TION, as far as beauty, inventiveness and originality is concerned, still unsurpassed . The flowers you have here on Earth have more wonderful fragrances than you can perceive. The scale of your perceptions and your senses is relative small . Only the purely spiritual within you is able to perceive the actual nuances. Question : Do our imaginations coincide with the reality of paradise? ELIAS : No, that’s certainly not the case , because paradise is a spiritual realm of harmony, beauty and peace. If the people on Earth were successful in creating permanent peace and if peo- ple would be nice to each other, a paradise would be created on Earth that would come close to the spiritual paradise. But people would have to become creatively active within GOD’S PLAN. But unfortunately people are very creatively active on behalf of the great antagonist of GOD and prefer to work for his terrible cause.