The hereafter

- 23- Why only the mighty ones? (Transmission from the year 1960) GREETINGS IN THE NAME OF GOD! - I come to you with good intentions. May I explain to you why we souls, who all too often annoy you, are so malicious? I’m just an unim- portant soul and I’m not associated with the great SPIRITS, the one’s you would like to deal with exclusively. My life on Earth brought me little luck and even less insight. My occupation was that of a priest. I was very disappointed and felt betrayed by life in general on your side. I was a martyr of a distorted faith . But it was my own doing , because I closed my mind against the actual TRUTH. Please allow me my wish to talk about it. I’m not a TEACHER from the hereafter, but a soul that had some bitter experiences  I believed to be a servant of GOD, but I was a servant of aberration. This disgrace took away my sanity. Next to me were thousands of souls that shared my misfortune. Then a new misfortune approached us. We had the opportunity to observe the people still living on Earth.  I saw my colleagues on their own -, in a way that I have never seen them when I was alive…  I saw all these people inside their apartments and observed their personal mannerism…  I saw the world in a way I never suspected I would be… To the outside world most of them behaved nearly normal. But woe and behold if I encountered them alone or within the close circle of family and friends… I wondered why there were and are jails on Earth. Almost all of mankind belongs in such jails if laws and justice were correctly applied, even judges and benefactors belong there. My indignation was justified but it didn’t raise my spirit, but rather plunged me to the depths of despair. I was annoyed by my inability to give the people living on Earth a piece of my mind. I couldn’t understand why the MESSENGERS of LIGHT are so generous and why they tolerantly turn a blind eye to all the evils of deceitfulness and treachery. A lot of the souls around me were of the same opinion: One had to be ashamed to be a human soul. - But we completely forgot that we once lived exactly the same way ! We were of course able to influence many people, especially when they had just experienced a great annoyance , or - as one tends to say - lost their nerve. We then took great pleasure to vent our own spite on them. They never caught on that we could make them dance like marionettes. We came across spiritual circles that sometimes consisted of only one or two person. We managed to read their thoughts and cleverly joint in to then take away the pleasure their curiosity gives them, because it wasn’t a true yearning for knowledge, but really only profane curiosity or the hope to gain power and riches with the help of supernatural co-operation. We believed that if we were not allowed to be SERVANTS of GOD, that we could at least be GOD’S avengers. We have never come across a situation where GOD used HIS fists to create order, especially where it would really have been appropriate. This is why we did it for HIM. Many, many souls are still doing this for HIM, believing that they are taking over one of HIS TASKS.