The Great Encounter

- 97 -  There are no mediums at all , because they are simply clever fraudsters and prestidigitators.  There is no spook, no ghosts, no devil, no GOD, no angels… All there is are an indescribable number of dumb and dumber people with the “Herr Professor” in fist position. And as he had an egotistical, immoral and faithless public, they all cheered with great enthu- siasm. The professor, with no practical experience in this field of knowledge, surely had to know his stuff and that is why it was so easy for him to explain our “real reason of being” with the appropriate technical terms. I became violently ill. I suffered mental anguish like I have never known before. The nonsense that was served here to humanity twenty centuries after CHRIST was simply incredible. According to the explanations given to a Berliner public, man possesses a subconscious with characteristics one has to be careful of. This subconscious is:  Ingenious  Demonic  Revolutionary  Rebellious  Schizophrenic  Unconscious and conscious  Superimposed and sub imposed  Hyperaesthetic and hyper-anaesthetic  Real and unreal  Split and fused together  Unpredictable and predictable  Retrospective and hyper-hysteric Thundering applause ensued. - The lecturer bowed satisfied. The devil danced a merry dance. Speaking personally, it broke my heart, because I had to listen to the terrible way my fellow human beings were lead astray and made stupid. Because this kept playing on my mind, I approached the Free University . I proceeded to write to the Institute for the frontiers of psychology and bitterly complained about the injustice that had been done to the audience. If not quite to my satisfaction, they at least told me that in principal I was correct, namely that para- psychology could not completely cut itself off from supernatural phenomenon, in one word: That the possibilities were present and that they could not be refuted in all seriousness.