The Great Encounter

- 90 - All of this seemed like a bet between GOD and the devil to me. It was an agreement between GOD and the devil, because it was dealing with Hiob’s trust in GOD. GOD was supposed to have placed HIS TRUST in me? - I didn’t know what to think anymore. - I was supposed to place my whole trust in GOD. - What was actually correct? - What was the actual game they were playing with my life? “JUST HANG ON A WHILE LONGER. GOD IS COMING TO HELP YOU!” The devil behaved like an idiot. He wanted to win this battle. He went and got some backup. Who has heard of the expression “nuisance spirits”? - Well, this is no simple invention… GOD’S VICTORY One has been aware from time immemorial that the invisible WORLD is predominantly represented by demons here on Earth. Occultists, spiritists and religious mediums, they all cannot avoid the unwel- come acquaintance with these hellish furies and many fall pray to them. This is the only plausible reason why the Churches warn about making contact with the OTHER WORLD, why they fear these kinds of contacts and why they also persecute these mediums at the same time. But beyond these demonic spheres the heavens open up and with decency, morals and good will, it is certainly possible to reach these spheres.  We can certainly interact with angels, but the path to there always goes through hell, disappoint- ments, dangers and lies :  Buddha quarrelled with “Mara”, the devil .  Zoroaster suffered the same fate; he mentally duelled with “Ahriman” , the evil one.  Mohammed got to know hell.  CHRIST had to go through it. - There is no exception. I allege that there is no genuine connection with GOD or HIS divine angels that has not been substan- tiated through a victorious fight over the powers of darkness. My battle with the underworld was indescribably serious and difficult. The mental overcharge on all of my ENERGIES was such that I suffered from acute meningitis. My whole body quivered and shiv- ered with every fibre. I only had one thought on my mind and it was the hope that GOD would stand by me the moment I was going to relinquish my earthly existence. I hoped with confidence that a powerful angel would immediately take me under his wing and bring me out of this lowly sphere. Well, my experiences have taught me that the whole surface of the earth belongs to the lower spheres, inhabited by unredeemed, earthbound spirits. All of these earthbound and local, lower souls of my immediate surroundings attacked me, terribly ridiculed, and insulted GOD and all the angels and tried their utmost to kill me in this fashion. But finally the morning dawned.