The Great Encounter

- 65 - SACRIFICE IS COMPLETE SENSELESS. YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY COR- RECT, IT IS REALLY HOPELESS, I REALISE THIS NOW ALSO. THE MAIN THING IS THAT YOU HAVE THE KNOWLEDGE ABOUT THESE GREAT THINGS THAT ARE BETWEEN HEAVEN AND EARTH. THE OTH- ERS WILL ONLY MAKE FUN OF YOU AND THEY WILL NEVER UNDER- STAND, NOR BELIEVE IN IT. IT IS QUITE INSANE TO PRESENT YOU AS SOMEONE INSANE, BECAUSE IT REALLY ISN’T WORTH THE TROU- BLE.” “WHY ARE TO TALKING TO THE DEVIL AGAIN? - DON’T BE SO GULLI- BLE AND FALL FOR IT ALL THE TIME!” Once again unclean spirit souls had interfered and I had realised it too late. But this was due to the fact that there were no audible differences in the supernatural VOICE. It was impossible to discern just when the VOICE was exchanged. The theologian and the dear reader may hereby recognise just how difficult it is to receive a genuine revelation. But this attack on the voice of the angel is a very pronounced verification of the fact that two super- natural ORGANISATIONS are fighting one another. All the great clairaudient mediums had to expe- rience this, no matter whether it was Buddha, Zoroaster or Mohammed . Strange as it may seem, but my occult experiences were very much identical to certain passages in the bible, not in regards to contents, but in the way the communication came about . This is how I was woken up at two o’clock in the morning with a push to the body. Immediately after waking up the VOICE announced itself with the words: “DEAR HERBERT, I’M BACK. WE WILL CONTINUE WITH YOUR EDUCA- TION NOW. PLEASE DO NOT FORGET THAT YOU ARE IN GOD’S WON- DERFUL SCHOOL. - YOU HAVE PRAYED FOR AN ADDITIONAL MIND AND THEREFORE YOU SHOULD HAVE IT.” The power of evil It is therefore quite natural that I had a look in the bible after this, to see whether there was something similar in there. As it happened, there are enough paragraphs that indicate this: For instance Daniel was taken into apprenticeship by an angel. He also felt the prod of an angel at his side. It is quite astonishing how well these sorts of deliverances have been conserved. But if I concentrate on the passage where GOD is suppose to have talked to the prophets: Prepare your meal from excrement”, I would have to apply the measuring stick of my own experiences when assessing those biblical texts and I’m sure I’m not wrong when I insist that evil had a hand in this, because he would have alleged: “I am GOD, therefore listen to me!” Looking at it from that angle, all readers may decide for themselves what can and what cannot be correct. There are many passages like that, THAT contradict themselves or - to put it in a better way - that cannot BE reconciled with the character and the mercy of GOD’S great LOVE:  Primarily : “…an eye for an eye - a tooth for a tooth”.