The Great Encounter

- 55 - “ON MANY FIELDS OF HIGHER SPIRITUAL-SCIENCES.” “Who will give me these supernatural lessons? Are you the one to lecture me?” “I WILL DO SO ALSO, BUT THERE ARE MANY OTHER MESSENGERS OF LIGHT AND EVEN REAL ANGELS. THE BEST OF PHILOSOPHERS AND NATURAL SCIENTIST WILL TAKE PART.” “A kind of university?” “WELL, ONE COULD CALL IT THAT, BUT IT IS GOD’S UNIVERSITY, WHERE ALL THE CHOSEN DISCIPLES AND PROPHETS HAVE BEEN EDUCATED. THIS SCHOOL DOESN’T ENDORSE ANY MISTAKES, BUT ONLY TEACHES THE ABSOLUTE TRUTH. WHEN I SAY THAT “CHOSEN” ONES HAVE ABSOLVED THIS SCHOOL, I MEAN THAT THEY WERE PEOPLE WITH PSYCHIC ABILITIES . - REMEMBER PAUL.” “I would never have thought this possible.” “IN REGARDS TO GOD, THERE IS NOTHING IMPOSSIBLE! THIS IS YOUR FIRST LESSON. REMEMBER IT ONCE AND FOR EVER.” “For how long will these lessons go on?” “JESUS LEARNED FOR FORTY DAYS, AFTER HIS CRUCIFIXION. IF YOU ARE READY AND ABLE, THE LESSON WILL TAKE ABOUT THE SAME PERIOD OF TIME.” I lay absolutely still in bed and talked to VERITAS in this distinct telepathic fashion. Many, many thoughts swirled around in my head: “Was I really dead?” “YOU ARE NOT GOING TO BELIEVE IT, BUT YOU WERE REALLY DEAD. OTHERS WILL FIND IT EVEN HARDER TO BELIEVE. THERE WAS NO OTHER WAY THAT GOD COULD LIFT THE GREAT CURTAIN, TO ENABLE YOU A GLANCE INTO HEAVEN AND HELL. YOU HAVE NOW AWAKENED TO A NEW LIFE. YOU HAVE GAINED A NEW LIFE FROM YOUR DEATH AND YOU HAVE ALSO GAINED A NEW HEART. LOOK AFTER THIS HEART, IT IS IMPORTANT AND PRECIOUS! - NEVER EVER POISON IT AGAIN WITH ALCOHOL TO- BACCO !” An enigma for the family doctor The doctor approached the bed again. The VOICE of the ANGEL kept silent… I wasn’t game to tell the doctor about my supernatural VOICE, because I knew how doctors looked upon all occult phenomenon. In almost all of these cases, their prognosis would be: Schizophrenia - split personality - hallucination -suggestion - imagination or unconscious subconscious. But I was well aware of the limits of my imagination! I generally thought along very real lines and, apart from that, was very curious and distrustful. In fact so distrustful that I had to apply all of my powers of reasoning in regards to my own experiences and