The Great Encounter

- 46 - even more glorious impression and that light and colour are even more brilliant. In my opinion, the entire hereafter is one enormous superlative , the highest form of existence in regards to sensual per- ception. I deeply regret the fact that I’m restricted by the limits literary expression and language forces on me. But the light in the hereafter is much lighter and darkness is much darker there. Joy is more joyful and pain is much, much more painful . I saw the sun shining through the mist in the distance. But it was a white sun and as white as it was, I could look directly into its bright light, without being blinded by it or without it hurting my eyes. Come to think of it now, I was actually using my spiritual eyes. This light attracted me like light attracts a moth. VERITAS remained at my side. He said to me: “I’M GOING TO GIVE YOU A NEW NAME, SOMETHING ALL OF US HAVE HERE. THERE ARE A LOT OF SOULS HERE THAT DO NOT LIKE TO BE REMINDED OF THEIR EARTHLY NAME SO THAT TURBID MEMORIES DO NOT REAR THEIR UGLY HEADS. THIS IS WHY MOST OF US HAVE AN ALLEGORICAL NAME. THE REASON WHY I CALL MYSELF VER- ITAS IS THAT I LOVE THE TRUTH. I SUGGEST THE NAME “AREDOS” FOR YOU.” I didn’t in fact know what “AREDOS” stood for, but I didn’t wanted to disagree, which I thought was the correct thing to do. “Where are you taking me?” I asked VERITAS: “are you going to lead me to the GREAT LIGHT?” ”NO, YOU ARE NOT MATURE ENOUGH FOR THAT. MANY YEARS WILL PASS BEFORE YOU CAN SEE THE GREAT LIGHT.” I couldn’t really imagine anything concrete under the term GREAT LIGHT, but I had a feeling that it would have an emanation that would lighten up every soul to the core. “WE ARE ARRIVING AT “THE LAND OF SUMMER” , said VERITAS . THE LAND of SUMMER? - I had never heard anything about a LAND of SUMMER. But as I just had spent some time in a LAND of MIST, I assumed that the LAND of SUMMER had to be the exact opposite. I gradually became aware of an ever increasing, glorious smell of flowers. It would have to be many thousands of freshly cut roses, spreading their fragrance. This indescribably spicy fragrance alone proclaimed to me that I was nearing the LAND of SUMMER and that this land or this sphere had to be a fairytale land from “One thousand and one nights”. The LAND of SUMMER To describe this LAND of SUMMER is completely impossible, it can only be hinted at: To begin with, we walked with slow, gliding steps through a deep, brightly illuminated blue. It was actually a gloriously blue sky, filled with the most superb scent of flowers. What is remarkable is that fact that I was inhaling this spicy scent, floating in the air with dew-like freshness, taking deep and agreeable breaths through my nose. But I cannot remember whether I was breathing this “air” all the time. I could see various figures within this sphere, so clearly that it was shining like clear blue glass. These figures were as colourful and distinct as in technicolour, they shone in their bright colours and to my