The Great Encounter

- 31 - These voices had handed out their roles very well, because I was quite aware that this alleged Judas Iscariot was implicated in very dubious profiteering between East and West. Shortly after daybreak, this voice finally left me alone and I fell into a short sleep I can’t remember anything about… Terrible possession Shortly after I woke up, the voice approached and spoke to me. But it didn’t seem to be an angel this time, because the following events had nothing to do with Passion (Easter Passion) or symbolism: They were a hoax without equal . - I must therefore express my suspicion that one wanted to entice me to do something so that I would end up in an asylum. It was a state of genuine possession. A voice said to me: “BE CAREFUL! - GOD WILL ALLOW A GREAT MIRACLE TO TAKE PLACE TODAY. WE ARE HIS ANGELS AND YOU KNOW THAT WE CAN EXERCISE A VERY STRONG INFLU- ENCE ON ANYTHING PHYSICAL. YOU HAVE ALREADY WITNESSED THAT WE CAN EF- FORTLESSLY LIFT VERY HEAVY OBJECTS THROUGH THE AIR, IF THE CONDITIONS ARE FAVOURABLE. WELL, THE CONDITIONS ARE AS FAVOURABLE AS NEVER BE- FORE. THE LARGE WARDROBE HERE IN THIS ROOM WILL FLY APART WITH AN ENOR- MOUS BANG. IT WILL BE A PHENOMENON WITHOUT EQUAL AND THIS WILL MAKE YOU FAMOUS." To me, this announcement seemed to be ridiculous at first; but when I thought about it, I remembered that these invisible entities had performed considerable spooks many times before: For instance by shaking and moving the furniture too and fro to such a degree that we were nearly knocked senseless. What happens when concentrated occult powers and forces actually want to orchestrate a new spook in order to verify their existence unambiguously? I had witnessed many miracles before, so that I didn’t dare to completely doubt any of this. I did have to admit later on that I was actually possessed and that one really wanted to led me astray, but not without a particular reason, namely to interfere with my connection to the HIGHER SPIRITS and if at all possible to override it all together . This voice drove me on to hurry up: “YOU DO NOT HAVE A LOT OF TIME LEFT TO ACT. REMOVE THE MIRROR FROM THE WARDROBE AND PUT ALL YOUR THINGS SOMEWHERE SAFE, OTHERWISE YOU WILL LOOSE THE LOT.” I jumped out of bed and worked feverishly. I did everything they asked of me, because they had sof- tened me up considerably the night before. I capitulated in the face of these higher forces. I was pos- sessed, possessed by the devil -, and I was dumb enough not to realise it. Where was my GUARDIAN ANGEL that allowed this demonic attack on me? - The voice warned me: “MAKE SURE THAT NOBODY REMAINS IN THE APARTMENT, BECAUSE NOBODY WILL BE SAFE IN THIS APARTMENT. TAKE YOUR QUILT AND WRAP YOURSELF TIGHTLY IN IT. BUT MAKE SURE THAT YOUR HEAD IS WELL PROTECTED. IT MIGHT BE BEST IF YOU LIE ON THE KITCHEN FLOOR AND ABOVE ALL, PROTECT YOUR EARDRUMS. MAKE SURE THAT YOU OPEN ALL WINDOWS; OTHERWISE THEY WILL ALL BE BRO- KEN. YOU MUST REMAIN IN THE APARTMENT, BECAUSE WE NEED YOUR SIGNIFI- CANT PSYCHIC ABILITY TO ACHIEVE THIS.”