The Great Encounter

- 21 - There was a smokers table in the bedroom with a crucifix on its marble top. It was a small cross from Oberammergau, mounted in metal. When I moved the cross with the Christ figure on it, I could produce a clattering sound similar to the noise a typewriter makes. According to my opinion, these strange noises could only have been caused in this fashion. But where did the sound of rustling of paper and the creaking roller come from? Were these noises already announcing that another, greater world was at work in order to establish itself here? What do we know about genuine spook? There was no doubt that I was going to encounter some genuine spook. This fact alone would have seen me burned at the stake in the Middle Ages, especially as light objects were hurtling through the air without anybody touching them beforehand. And it was also no rarity that tables rose up in the air to then come crashing down onto the floor. When we urgently asked to show regards to the tenants below us, especially late at night, the heavy table came hurtling down to within a centimetre of the floor, slowed down instantly and set down on the floor- boards without any noise at all. Many miracles may take place all over the world without us ever hearing about them. Just how many miracles are kept under wrap and key? - Will the press say anything if scientist simply shake their heads? - One day a small, light table lifted of the floor and moved to the door where it knocked three times, because it wanted to go outside. In company of witnesses we opened the door. The little table hovered freely in the air, about 60 - 70cm high, placed itself outside an open window in the moonshine to then return the same way. It is a crying shame that all of mankind was not a witness to this event. - As I was told, I went to Church to give thanks for something I didn’t know what it was. The sensual power of the OTHER WORLD On the very next evening the visit by the MESSENGER of GOD was repeated. Once again IKARUS wrote with this sign language telling me that I was once again invited to be GOD’S guest. After that, a new WRITER announced herself with the words: “I AM THE PARISH GUARDIAN ANGEL OF THE LIME TREE CHURCH AND MY NAME IS JUDITH. DEAR HERBERT, I THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENDANCE AT MY CHURCH AND THAT YOU THANKED GOD FOR THE GIFT HE BESTOWED ON YOU”. I never thought of this angel in the slightest, nor did I come up with a name for her. Her sudden arrival and subsequent message took me by complete surprise. Up to now everything had proceeded quite peacefully. But I was now under the impression that a powerful, supernatural POWER had taken com- plete control over me. But I allowed myself a secret pledge, namely that I was going to obey this POWER unconditionally, even if it meant dedicating my whole life. I took the courage this time to ask the angel how I should envisage GOD, because I could never remember anything after? The angel JUDITH gave me a very strange answer: “YOU ARE GOING TO BE VERY SURPRISED IF I GIVE YOU AN HONEST ANSWER TO THIS, BUT YOU HAD TO ASK ME, SO PAY ATTENTION: GOD IS LIKE A QUEEN BEE: SHE CONTINUOUSLY PRODUCES NEW SOULS AND ALL SOULS, APART FROM THE DRONES, SERVE HER, FROM TIME TO TIME THE DRONES HAVE TO BE REMOVED FROM THE HIVE. BUT GOD’S COUNTENANCE IS INDESCRIBABLE IN ITS BEAUTY; IT IS A THOUSAND TIMES MORE BEAUTIFUL THAT THE MOST BEAUTIFUL WOMAN THAT EVER LIVED ON EARTH. YOU WILL BE SMITTEN WITH LOVE FOR GOD AFTER YOU LOOKED INTO HIS FACE. YOU WILL CONTINUOUSLY YEARN TO BE NEAR HIM.“