The Great Encounter

- 19 - “IT IS ME AGAIN, IKARUS. THE MESSENGER OF GOD. THE ALMIGHTY HAS SENT ME TO YOU IN ORDER TO ANNOUNCE SOMETHING. GOD NEEDS YOU AS A HELPER. FOLLOW HIS IN- STRUCTIONS TO THE LETTER. GOD WILL REMUNERATE YOU FOR IT ONE DAY.” This message completely threw me at first. I would like to see anybody that would fare better than that. The Old Testament also reports that prophets were spoken to by this voice and that they lost their self- control for a brief moment. After careful consideration I determined that a messenger of GOD could only be an angel of the LORD. But this angel continued to write: “GOD WOULD LIKE TO SEE THE BIBLE REWRITTEN. YOU COULD DO THIS WORK FOR HIM.” This was an unusually difficult demand. I was very puzzled at first why one would as me to do this work, me who was not familiar with the bible at all. On the other hand I was in an outrageous state of rapture, which triggered tears to flow. - It is only natural that I experienced an incomparable state of ecstasy. Evil tongues have always asserted that the prophets in the bible only versified something whist in a state of ecstasy. Ecstasy is the A and O of inspiration. But my example shows that the ecstasy didn’t trigger the phenomenon, but the phenomenon triggered the ecstasy. I didn’t know what to say to this angel called IKARUS. He could of course read all my thoughts with ease. In order not to cast aside the assignment I offered a compromise: I would do my utmost to express GOD’S WILL in books and short-stories. IKARUS continued with his theme. My finger wrote his answers, which were forcefully written in the air, that is to say, in the darkness, letter by letter. I was forced to pay attention to every movement in order not to loose the thread: “GOD GIVES HIS WORKERS AUTHORITY. YOU ARE IN NO WAY ON YOUR OWN, BE- CAUSE EVERYTHING PERTAINING TO YOUR ASSIGNMENT WILL BE GIVEN TO YOU BY THE ALMIGHTY IN SUCH GREAT MEASURES THAT YOU WILL NOT BE DEPRIVED OF ANYTHING. IT WOULD BE EASY FOR YOU TO RE-WRITE THE BIBLE. BUT GOD FORCES NOBODY TO DO ANY- THING THEY WOULDN’T DO OF THEIR OWN ACCORD.” “Why should the bible be changed?” “HAVE A LOOK AT THE BOOK OF BOOKS: THE BIBLE IS BOUND IN BLACK. IT CON- TAINS A LARGE NUMBER OF INCORRECT TRANSLATIONS AND BLACK MAGIC. IT ISN’T GOD’S WILL TO FRIGHTEN OR THREATEN PEOPLE WITH IT. GOD IS MERCIFUL AND LOVING WITH- OUT LIMITATIONS. A BOOK OF THE ALMIGHTY OUGHT NOT TO CONTAIN INFAMOUS AC- TIONS, IT OUGHT TO GIVE COMFORT AND EDUCATE.“ “Why isn’t this assignment given to a theologian? Didn’t Luther edit the bible“? “THEOLOGIANS ARE DRESSED IN BLACK: THE SAME APPLIES TO THEIR PRESENT DAY THINKING IN MANY, MANY ASPECTS. THE FACT THAT THEY ARE IN HIGHER POSITIONS DOESN’T MAKE THEM MEDIUMS BY A LONG SHOT AND THEREFORE NOT AN INSTRUMENT OF THE OTHER WORLD.“ To be able to accomplish such an assignment I asked IKARUS for an additional mind. Apart from that I couldn’t imagine a better present than a mind that could recognise and assess everything clearly. IKARUS listened to my thoughts and promised me to make sure that my wish would be fulfilled. “BE GOD’S GUEST TONIGHT!” These words shook me to the core and I even thought of dying.