The Great Encounter

- 12 - A theologian I talked to said to me: “The things other people try to get by force happened here as an actual natural phenomenon.“ - I’m convinced that these types of natural phenomenon also occurred in the case of the biblical prophets and that they didn’t use force to achieve it. A medical expert expressed himself as follows: “Experiences of a spiritual or mental nature are the result of an ecstasy most of the time.“ - The prophets were also experiencing a religious ecstasy when they had their visions. My own experiences, that is to say, my self-observations, have given me the conviction that the experienced ecstasy was not present before the phenomenon, but that the ecstasy, meaning a religious rapture, occurred after the phenomenon and that it certainly didn’t change the dynamism of the phenomenon nor influence the contents of the Great Encounter with the supernatural. This encounter never took place the way I wanted it to take place and it always occurred completely different from the way I had imagined it. Based on my experiences, I can certainly assert that next to our visible world there also exist for us here on Earth, an invisible world. I do not suspect that this invisible world exists, because I have expe- rienced it and found it to be more concrete and real than all the physical things around me appear to be. From this very moment on I despaired about our secular world, because I recognised to my enor- mous horror and with disheartening sadness that we find ourselves in a disconsolate situation brought about by the most fateful errors imaginable, one that is defended by a large establishment made up of scientist and wiseacres, because they erroneously believe that their wisdom reaches for the heavens, whereas they have not the faintest idea just how terribly dumb they are, so dumb that they consider their dumbness to be omniscient. On the other hand I have often asked myself the question as to why seers and prophets - genuine mediums - are a minority, whilst the largest section of mankind are not in a position to make contact with the invisible world, so that they have to depend on the statements of a “select few”; I can therefore certainly understand their mistrust in regards to these statements. - The only answer to this is that cultured man has been corrupted by a false way of life, that is to say, has lost a gift, one that many uncultivated and tribal people still retained to a certain degree. In any case, GOD and HIS MIRACLES didn’t come to me of their own accord, but I advanced one step towards HIM. Doubt has forced me to take this one little step. During my life I have quite often wrestles with the mysterious question of: What happens when I’m dead? I didn’t know whether there was really life after death and I couldn’t imagine a hereafter. And least of all could I imagine that there was a GOD that was supposed to be everywhere and nothing could be hidden from. In the mean time GOD has seen fit to give me a clear answer to all of these questions. What is remarkable, and I have to emphasise this, is the fact that I have turned to the CRE- ATOR with an intimate prayer asking for a sign, in case HE does react to individuals. How everything began … There was a time when I carried out spiritual experiments without actually being a religious spiritist. The main object of all these experiments was pure and simple entertainment, even though I had to admit that invisible FORCES actually existed. My son Uwe , seventeen at the time, was a very suitable medium and we managed to conjure up many a phenomenon. But neither one of us did believe in ghosts . We found that the magnitude of these invisible FORCES increased our interest from experi- ment to experiment. We believed in an unknown form of magnetism and eventually became captivated by this strange magnetism, so that we eventually had to come to the conclusion that there must be a guiding INTELLIGENCE at work behind this invisible, unknown FORCE.