The Great Encounter

- 111 - STONE IS POLISHED IN ONE WORKSHOP OR IN ANOTHER WORKSHOP, WHETHER THE POLISHING IS UNDERTAKEN BY ONE POLISHER OR ANOTHER. WHAT IS OF IM- PORTANCE IS THAT THE STONE IS POLISHED IN A FASHION THAT PLEASES HIM . AND IF IT IS POLISHED VERY WELL, HE WILL GIVE IT THE APPROPRIATE, GRACIOUS SET- TING.” Quintessence Due to my convincing experiences in the hereafter I could not understand certain events in this world anymore. It was inconceivable to me that the general knowledge about supernatural phenomenon was so sparse amongst the broader community and that it was derided into the bargain. I personally con- sider this ignorance infinitely more dangerous than a hydrogen or nuclear bomb. The atom bomb is able to destroy people and physical matter, but not believing anything destroys souls , which has dire consequences for them. For this very reason there is no better redemption for man than the wonderful knowledge and insights of the existence of the OTHER WORLD and its LAWS. I have therefore spent at least a thousand days deliberating on how one could change this lack of belief into better knowledge. But unfortunately I have encountered outrageous resistance when I endeavoured to enlighten my fellow man in this respect. Due to the great GRACE of GOD that has befallen me through a unique experience; I felt obliged to the CREATOR and could not allow any inhibitions to stop me from boldly saying what has to be said, even if I had to expose myself to persecution and hatred. The Christian Church still persecutes CHRIST and his prophets even today in a most insidious way, something that could only be inspired by Satan. It is therefore no surprise that the majority of people living on Earth cannot really believe this Church anymore and some of them even avoid it. The Holy Scripture is brought in disrepute through the worst hawking of books, through continuous meddling, doubts, misinterpretations and de-mythologizing. This presumptuousness breeds pseudo- religions, which in turn elevate the anti-Christ onto the throne of absolute, materialistic domination of the world. The historical traditions of many religious events are all of an occult nature: They all refer to the hereafter and its LAWS. The Christian Church fails completely in this respect, it gets entangled in unbelievable contradictions because of the indescribably stupid and stolid behaviour of their teachers and heralds of faith. This represents the worst misuse of faith that has ever existed. For the higher ecclesiastics, all biblical and divine revelations end with the last page of the Holy Scripture: with the Revelations of John, and from then on, any message from the supernatural realm remains silent. It is therefore no surprise that every rationally thinking person is puzzled by this and asks the legitimate question: “And what happened after?” - Because the Christian Church, through the unprecedented unscrupulousness of its representatives, re- fuses to accept any further contact with the hereafter, denounces and condemns spiritualism instead of researching it and derides and anathematises any appearing god-connectedness experienced by medi- ums, they convince every progressively attuned person that they doubt the reality of supernatural phe- nomenon like clairvoyance, clairaudience, astral viewing, astral existence and revelations from the hereafter, in other words: they do not believe in it !