The Great Encounter

- 105 - The insanely false indoctrination that denies the biblical revelations, above all, the “ten command- ments” their extra-terrestrial origin, is designed to place certain people in GOD’S place in order for them to reign most gruesomely and tyrannically over all of mankind, is defeated by the most powerful weapon on Earth, namely by a true understanding of the OTHER WORLD. Difficult argumentation My extremely extensive knowledge and experiences in regards to the occult would not allow my thoughts any peace. I continuously deliberated on just how I could possibly deliver to my fellow human beings irrefutable evidence of the validity of my experiences. I was sure that I could convince a lot of people, but it was always those I stood in close contact with and those I was able to convey a series of substantiations, either physically or through supernatural messages. I sometimes managed to melt the thickest of ice in this fashion and to defeat the greatest doubts. But there were not enough people I could convince. I could only achieve success on a massive scale through the power of the written word. - But the written word is also not given credit to. It is immensely difficult to describe and to explain supernatural experiences and apparitions. The doubts are caused by the facts that occult events do not fit in with the experiences of the general public. There are a few exceptions. A person that never experienced a storm in his life and only asso- ciates with people that are also unaware of what a storm is, would certainly doubt whether there is such a thing as a storm and this even more so if it was denied by all the others people and even by the scientific community. This is how the situation is in regards to supernatural phenomenon. Even thou it is written in the Holy Scriptures, we lack the evidence. In spite of this, the situation is exactly the same as it was three to four thousand years ago:  The OTHER WORLD is very much interested in our world. Our world is guided “by the other side” and also led astray “by the other side”. There are a number of people that are able to maintain good contact with the OTHER WORLD, but all good messages coming from the other side are ridiculed and derided most of the time, because they don’t fit in with the intentions, the character of human beings and because changes would have to be made! - This is why I see disaster looming, because there are only a few open minded people that seriously deal with a higher world of thought and with the development of the spirit. They will one day become leaders, MESSENGERS of LIGHT and BEARERS of LIGHT. All the other souls will have to go through the sluices of reincarnation . But some of them will sink as sludge to the murky depths into unimaginable darkness and confusion. I hated the anti-spirit. - I hated the… - We had battled with one another. But the angel, my MESSENGER of LIGHT came to me and talked to me: “IT ISN’T RIGHT THAT YOU HATE “HIM”, BECAUSE GOD DOES NOT KNOW HATRED, NOT EVEN FOR “HIM”. - ONLY “HE” KNOWS HATRED AND THIS FOR GOD. - GOD WILL FORGIVE “HIM” HIS SINS AND EVEN MAKE HIM FORGET THEM, IF “HE” SEES THE ERROR OF HIS WAYS AND