Spiritualism versus Spiritism

71 15. Message from the MESSENGER of LIGHT SILBERBIRKE The leader of the Medialen Friedenskreis Berlin, H. V. Speer writes: The following is a message from SILBERBIRKE, an American Indian soul that acts as an excellent GUIDE in England. It is of great importance that the opinions of the most significant SPIRIT GUIDES essentially coincide with one another completely. Even though the spiritual GUIDES and the mediums are separated by oceans and continents, the doctrine runs along completely clear lines. This fact also verifies unequivocally the existence of COSMIC TRUTH, which finds it oh so difficult to establish a broader base here on Earth because of the difficulty of breaking though human ignorance. SILBERBIRKE: You have been placed on Earth to fulfil an assignment. All of you are eternal pilgrims on an eternal march . You must select your accoutrements with great care ; may a healthy common sense and intelligence guide you! You will find parts of your accoutrements in many books and through many lives. This is why you should only select the things that appeal to your heart . You should not accept things just because some body said: It is good, wise and holy. Nothing should be revered just because it can help you on your earthly journey. This is what I can recommend you to take to heart.  Accept what appeals to your judgment even if you discard it at a later date, when you have gained more KNOWLEDGE.  Do not restrict yourselves to one book, one teacher and one guide. I am not a source of infinite wisdom. I do not have the monopoly on the world of the spirit. I am just one of many that help your world and I do not profess to be perfect and infallible, because I am as human as you. My outlook is a little more advanced , because I have progressed a few steps further on life’s journey and I return to share my new horizon with you in order for you to accept the things that I have already experienced. It is part of our assignment to bring KNOWLEDGE to your world. The great MISSION has entrusted us with this. Many of my peers have recognised that there is too much ignorance on Earth. The results of this ignorance are unfortunately all too obvious . They are reflected in the state your world is in and they also reflect into our affairs. According to the imagery promulgated by the Church, people immediately transform into radiant and indescribably happy beings after passing through death’s door. They will have left all worries, hardships and fears behind. But this is certainly not the case! This imagery is far removed from being a true account. Spiritualism managed to establish a religion based on unshakable certainty . People may argue about theological dogmas nobody can verify, but oh so much satisfying evidence