Spiritualism versus Spiritism

30 We can measure our success on the number of souls that are freed from bondage, on those that do not cry anymore , unless they shed tears of happiness. All those whose body and soul have been uplifted once again and who no longer wallow in agony also count. The success of our mission is also proclaimed by those that are no longer affected by the serfdom to false faith and doctrines created by the Churches. All those consciously aware of the majesty and the power of the spirit also proclaim our success. All of this is the result of our service and the contribution of those that work with us, whose life is devoted to the noble assignment of delivering mankind from the earthly shackles of ignorance. But there are still a myriad of people that have to be approached first in spite of this! Let us hope and pray and contribute, in as much as it is within our power, so that we are successful in this, namely to reach and touch many of these people, so that they too can attain and acquire the security they are still lacking. They should also be able to recognise these ETERNAL TRUTHS, which represent a refuge for the human race. We must make sure that these people become aware of the POWER of the SPIRIT, so that they can be revitalised by this FORCE, renewed through this POWER, consoled by the present and ennobled by the purpose. Those that are presently still far removed from this will soon participate in spreading the LIGHT of the SPIRIT over all of mankind. And this is how the NEW WORLD will come into being:  Thrones will topple, rulers will resign, tyrants and dictators will disappear. But people will by and by find their way back to themselves and the SPIRIT will triumph in everyone’s life. This is what past efforts are suppose to achieve. I will never despair, because I see the constant advancement of the human spirit towards its freedom. The certainty of a continuation of human life has been established for you. This is why you can dedicate yourself to the great assignment of eliminating everything that stands in the way of perfecting the human spirit, which embodies man’s natural inheritance. All greed, avarice, blood guilt and selfishness ought to be wrestled down. All those that have been denied their incontestable right up to now, must be helped to lead their life in the way their status as children of the GREAT SPIRIT demands ! 10. Questioning the dead (Transmission from the year 1958) GOD’S realm is a world of LOVE, because GOD is the source of all LOVE! This realm is unimaginably larger and more versatile than the physical plane, which is also visibly apparent in your sky. But this spiritual realm, consisting of a composition beyond any physical perception, is organised into many levels, that is to say spheres. All of these spheres serve as abodes for people’s souls and also the souls of many animals , because they virtually represent classes in GOD’S MACRO- UNIVERSITY.