Spiritualism versus Spiritism

23 Every human being must one day leave planet Earth and undertake a great journey. They will then travel to a completely unknown land:  Completely different LAWS apply there.  Living conditions are different there.  Different FRIENDSHIPS have validity there.  There is a completely different ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE there.  There are completely different OPPORTUNITIES FOR TRAVEL there.  And the CONCEPT OF FREEDOM is different too. But most people have omitted to inform themselves about this land beyond their life on Earth. They feel like strangers in an enormous REALM and this REALM cannot become their home, because they have shown not interest in it whatsoever and they have not prepared themselves either. They feel homesick for planet Earth, because they are infatuated with material things, but these things will then be inaccessible to them. 4. The cooperation (Transmission from the year 1957) We endeavour to bring you every possible spiritual help. This help includes insights, knowledge, censure, praise and medical support. But we are subject to certain limitations and we have to respect them as much as you respect the limitations and laws you have set for yourselves during your life on Earth. But you can expand your worldly limitations and accommodate our endeavours to a high degree in spite of that.  In as much as you possess a genuine spark of FAITH in GOD and if you try very hard to find a little harmony, you create a passageway we can utilise to come to you. Most people on Earth are economically and in regards to their health not well off, because they have blockaded the spiritual passageway the good spirits use to reach them. There is no other way! All other ways are dark and no ENTITY of LIGHT is game to use these dark passageways, even if their intentions are good. LIGHT BEINGS are under the supervision of GOD our heavenly FATHER to whom we have to give account for everything we do. We have promised HIM eternal loyalty and obedience and we intent to keep our promises to HIM. Over us reign the HIGHER ANGELS entrusted with HIS AUTHORITY. This is why CHRIST said: “Come to me, all of you who are tired of carrying heavy loads and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28) He didn’t say: “I will come to you”, but: “Come here, to me !” The same applies to us. It is the same LAW. In your thoughts, your prayers, you faith, your hopes, your adversity and your regrets you must come to us . You know the way, because it has been pointed out to you in so many ways. Therefore take heart and come to us, because we want to and we can help you the way you want to be helped. 2 Matthew 16:26: “Will a person gain anything if he wins the world but loses his life?”