Spiritualism versus Spiritism

2 doubt and criticism, because it seemed impossible to equate it with the view of the world established by the sciences. Theology had to fight rearguard actions and relinquished established positions in order to bring the results of scientific progress to harmonise with its faith. But the situation has radically changed these days, faith in progress has been shaken to the core. Scepticism has now infiltrated scientific doctrine also and it challenges not just the sciences and their methodologies, but rational values too. The time has come for mankind to return to the genesis of religious thought with the help of metaphysics, but not by drumming dogmas into children once again, but by presenting adults with verifiable facts . Christian spiritualism and its associated doctrine of the soul proves itself to be of far-reaching importance, also in a practical sense, because it brings transcendental psychology into the equation . It solves the riddles of the world and slowly but surely mankind will gain the insight that the universe constitutes a school for human souls . Psycho-science does not represent a new religion, but an objective doctrine, based on verifiable facts . Knowledge about man’s existence represents the only way to redeem the world. Bad Salzuflen, February 1993 2. Spiritualism (Author: H.V.Speer, leader of the Medialen Friedenskreis Berlin, [Psychic Peace Circle, Berlin], MFK)  Human life here on this Earth would be unthinkable without esoteric thought. Even the most primitive people deal with esotericism, if only within the distorted tenets of a cult that might not quite represent the TRUTH, but that might at least contain some PARTIAL TRUTHS. We are not dealing with a foreshadowing anchored within man, but with experiences a naturally psychic person has with supernatural phenomena. But these phenomena are unfortunately misinterpreted most of the time. Esotericism is not an established science, it is still within its beginnings (1963) and it is constantly developing. It isn’t just designated for the initiated, but it represents a higher thought process , something that should be reflected upon by every human being.  Only higher thoughts can help the progress of man. This is the reason why it is the duty of the academic sciences to include esoteric thought and knowledge in their natural science. Esoteric thought is not a religion , but the acknowledgment of the human spirit, which can develop to a much higher degree than the physical body will ever be able to. The physical body is subject to very tight and very strict laws. The human spirit on the other hand is not subjected to any boundaries whatsoever, because due to its immortality, it can develop right up into GODHOOD. The great pertinence esotericism has for man is easily recognised from this perspective. It is actually the absolutely defining, original philosophy mankind has to abide by. Esoteric thoughts are based upon spiritual experiences ; they form a part of the spiritual development of man; they determine his