Psychic abilities and mediums

4. Mediums To the question of why spiritual mediums are often attacked and ridiculed , the MESSENGER of LIGHT SILBERBIRKE (Silverbirch) gave the following answer to a spiritual work circle in England: SILBERBIRKE: It is always a good thing if dislike comes from the ones that do not love you. This has a unifying effect, because it amalgamates all the little ones, all those with the same enemies, together to a great unified force . It is impossible to lock up all the GREAT SPIRIT’S instruments or to place everything that serves spreading the TRUTH under lock and key. One part of your assignment is to keep the flame of FREEDOM burning and to teach everybody how it can be kept burning through assiduousness and enthusiasm, how LOVE can be reunited in regards to independence and how it is renewed and reinforced through the power of the SPIRIT. Once the mind of people has been set free, they do not want to live in bondage anymore. We have set this liberation in motion. For instance, many people’s names were struck from priest’s registers through our efforts, others had the handcuffs of theology removed from their wrists and still others were relieved of the skids of a false religious confession. Thousand now have a feeling of not being burdened by any kind of fetters. They now feel freer and they feel the air of ordered freedom; they now live in the sunshine of mental detachment. I can see nothing that could cause alarm. Our movement will grow stronger and stronger, because more and more mediums offer their services to the POWER of the SPIRIT. It is our assignment to bring as many people as possible within the sphere of the SPIRITUAL POWER. This will then have a dual effect: Firstly their own spiritual powers are released and secondly they are placed in a position where they can receive inspiration from those who love them.  The LOVE, the wish to serve is based upon, it the greatest LOVE there is throughout the universe. The catchphrase is: “LOVE ACROSS ALL FRONTIERS!” Whenever your hearts, your spirits and your souls turn towards the GREAT PURPOSE of improving the lot of others , you attract a radiant HOST, one that is not interested in beauty and glory, which forms part of their rewards, for as long as millions of people are denied the slightest glimpse of the enormous beauty of planet Earth. If you could see with the eyes of the spirit , you would see the light of bright torches penetrating all spheres. You would understand that no entity within your world is abandoned, neglected or disowned, because the band of the SPIRIT holds everything together, from the smallest you are aware of to the highest you presently cannot imagine. Through individual links, the RADIANT ONES from the HIGHEST SPHERES of existence give their ENERGY until it flows through earthly channels to you. This is a mighty, impelling ENERGY the spirit has control of to a much higher degree that my explanations could ever convey to you.