Psychic abilities and mediums

12. Verifying and testing transmissions Question : It could be quite possible that we are also subject to a number of errors, respectively, hoaxes. What guarantee do we have that all the answers we receive from the spiritual realm are actually correct? AREDOS : The answers that are channelled through our GROUP are never the opinion of an INDIVIDUAL, but the result of a lot of experience and indoctrinations from a HIGHER SPHERE. The odd mistake can creep in sometimes, but that happens only on very rare occasions. We always endeavour to correct such mistakes unless we’re confronted by very strong opinions from your side. But as long as you remain as open minded as you have been so far, every mistake will find its respective amendment. Question : We often receive enunciations from mediums and circles we find absolutely hair-raising. Why can’t the spiritual realm make amendments in these cases ? AREDOS : These enunciations represent the evil that adheres to the greatest religion that is universally valid. Remember that there are souls communicating with mediums and circles which are just as fanatical and dumb ! We are dealing with a frenzy for recognition by alleged chosen ones here and they overestimate their own self importance to the extreme. They lack the logic of genuine humility! Question : What does one have to pay attention to in order to receive first-rate information? ELIAS :  The desire to raise the level of all of mankind must have priority.  Important and ethical questions must be asked.  If the intentions are good , a FRIENDSHIP between the here and the hereafter can develop. But is has happened before that participants and also mediums have landed in an asylum due to the incorrect leadership of a circle , because they have fallen prey to the abuse of evil spirit entities. Question : How can we recognise that a communication with the hereafter is genuine ? AREDOS : Naturally through your logic! But logic also needs experience and training! You have already learned a lot from us, because you already say that you find some of the communications from other sources hair-raising - indicating that you are already in a position to make your own judgment.