Psychic abilities and mediums

Question : Would it be possible to conduct spiritual séances at universities? AREDOS : The academic researcher, attached to a university, has in most cases only theoretical experience, which does not convince him at all because he is too much of a sceptic. Because he is not a spiritualist with years of personal and practical experience, his points of view and conclusions lag far behind the actual TRUTH. He places demands on mediums and the spiritual realm that no spiritualist searching for the truth would accept to begin with.  The academic researcher’s inexperience and ignorance demands the impossible or ends up in blasphemy. Question : What basic opinion of the human soul do these lecturers have? AREDOS : Most of them abide by materialistic philosophy and mathematics. They regard the human soul as a collective universal soul, which is present in great volume in the universe. - This is the greatest error that exists!  GOD alone represents this VOLUME, from which all the other souls originate from! 10. Argumentation Question : Which essential factor unambiguously proves the genuineness of a psychic contact? AREDOS : Every human beings makes certain mistakes, the same applies to the otherworldly also. An active medium will always make linguistic or orthographic mistakes, something it would do under normal circumstances also . An otherworldly entity will also make these kinds of mistakes. During psychic contact, the medium will only make those mistakes it ordinarily makes anyway, but what can happen is that the usual mistakes and idiosyncrasies of the medium disappear. Question ; Must spiritual LAWS be verified in a terrestrial way by necessity? Answer : I can give you many illustrations in this regards, but it is my intention to explain this in a way that will make it very clear to you. Let’s take clairvoyance as an example: There are many in your world that are clairvoyant, but in spite of this have no real contact with the spiritual world. Their ability in regards to clairvoyance is a part or their inherent psychic equipment; this is why they can comprehend psychic LAWS and see with their psychic eyes. But nobody from the spiritual realm is connected with this demonstration. These clairvoyants can’t even see the “dead”; they see scenes; they have perceptions and