Psychic abilities and mediums

also, but they do themselves a lot of damage , because the result is mental self-mutilation. On the other hand we’re dealing with self-delusion. There are also evangelists in the hereafter who are of the opinion that they have to help CHRIST any way they can. But in order to be taken serious by the medium or by circles, they profess to be CHRIST himself. They feel entitled to speak in his name, because they want to do good, but are not mature enough to do so. Even their knowledge is very poor, because in their self-aggrandisement they rebuff any genuine indoctrination and atonement. They too have their free will but they remain stuck on one level within the one sphere. Question : But the prophets from the bible were also mediums and they conversed with ANGELS or with GOD. What is correct? AREDOS : GOD has never ever talked to prophets! It has always been his HELPERS on their divine MISSION. There is just one single exception here on Earth. Not even Moses talked to GOD; he talked to a person from another planet, here on Earth on a divine MISSION.  But CHRIST spoke telepathically with GOD! - He did so sometimes, but he wasn’t always able to do so. Question : One of the LORD’S ANGELS was supposed to have announced CHRIST. Therefore this ANGEL must have spoken to people? AREDOS : No, this wasn’t the case either !  A MESSENGER of GOD must not necessarily be an ANGEL. ANGELS have completely different assignments ; they don’t deal with religion, nor do they deal with your indoctrination!  All I say is that you should be content that an otherworldly TEACHER comes to you at all to talk to you, no matter in what spiritual way. The name is completely unimportant!  It is equally unimportant whether a SANTINER is called ASHTAR SHERAN or OTHAR SHIIN. What is crucial is whether the SANTINER has an important and instructive message for you. The name is only important to the medium or to the circle participants in order for them to know to which spirit they are talking to. 9. Scientific analysis Question : Parapsychology deals intensively with kinetic problems and phenomenon. One is now convinced that human beings can create FORCE FIELDS from within their spirit, which are able to move physical objects even at a distance. What can you tell us about this?