Psychic abilities and mediums

Question : (1963) A medium in England insists that she has constant contact with three UFO- Commanders. Actually past eminent scholars are supposed to meet there also. Is this correct? AREDOS : No. - This lady actually believes to be in contact with “higher intelligences” but this is based on her craving for recognition bordering on insanity. In regards to the spiritual she is just a plaything in the hands of the lowest intelligences within the spiritual realm. Question : The otherworldly and the UFO people are supposed to have drawn her attention to underwater treasures. The government is supposed to have salvaged these treasures according to her specifications, but in secret, behind the medium’s back. Is this correct? AREDOS : This is the greatest nonsense that I have ever heard. The otherworldly, indicating where treasures can be found, have legitimised their cause sufficiently. Every spiritualist ought to know this! This medium unknowingly represents cancerous damage to the august psycho-sciences. It will soon be locked up and this to the detriment of all spiritualists. This medium lives in Cardiff and exploits the local democracy by harassing many members of governments throughout the world with this nonsense. It even spread the rumour that the Duke drowned long ago. Blatant proof where fanaticism can lead to. 6. Particularities that can arise Question : Almost every medium has made the observation that when a spirit comes close, a cold sensation is experienced. Why is this so? AREDOS : Yes, this is correct. But it is the reverse when contact is made through automatic writing . The heat is generated by the medium due to the enormous activity the arm and the hand are performing. This cold sensation develops with voice mediums and also during physical experiments . Temperatures in the spiritual realm are lower. One could actually say that we exist below freezing point. But we do not feel this coldness.  Warm waves have an inhibiting effect on the extremely fine rays which emanate from the astral body. But due to its higher sensitivity, it is only the medium that feels this astral coldness. Terrestrial temperatures do not actually change. You can therefore not measure this spiritual coldness. Question : Every now and then we hear about phenomenon that are supposed to come from poltergeists . Scientific analysis has ascertained that one is dealing with a medium here