Politics, for whom?

been conditioned to listen to all kinds of falsified reports from an early age and that the human spirit has been saturated by prejudices for centuries to such a degree that they safeguard the fantastic lies in advertising and politics as if they were treasures, so that the TRUTH eventually seems incredible and the falsifications real. One is not prepared to contemplate GOD’S freshly revealed WORDS, let alone to acknowledge them and to apply them. Not even theologians care to do so - in their quite incomprehensive, but evil jealousy that something of their “religion” might be lost if KNOWLEDGE would take its place. But the all too eager arrogance of a mastery based on insufficiently researched data always demonstrates one’s own incompetence. It is not enough to constantly recite the Holy Scriptures in order to gain world peace. There have been successes, but is the world in balance? It is not enough to underline CHRIST’S words from the Sermon on the Mount, they will not influence political decisions. People hear from church’s pulpits that GOD has accepted them and that they are free from guilt - but it is not put into practice. The TRUTH must be vivid, up-to-date and translucent , for everybody, the way CHRIST’S pure DOCTRINE was at that time. But through endless scientific and theological attempts to explain GOD and HIS CREATION, the actual and obtainable faith has been lost. There are misconceptions of indescribable proportions and ignorance abounds here on Earth particularly in regards to the divine TRUTH. The remnants of the TRUTH within the Holy Scriptures have been heavily watered down through modifications and falsifications in order to be able to deal with these misconceptions. These conditions naturally have an adverse effect on all translations and interpretations, even if they seem to be legitimate. Terms like “GOD” and “PEACE” are inseparably connected with one another. There is no peace without GOD! But there is also no peace on behalf of misconceptions about GOD! Interpretations are dependent on the mental level of development of the interpreter and human logic has absolutely nothing to do with divine LOGIC! Of decisive importance in regards to a UNIVERSAL WORLD RELIGION are authentic supplements of the fragmented divine TRUTHS and the correct guidelines for its interpretation . Any effort to bring politics and religion to harmonise will actually become the alternative to armament and war, once this has taken place. The required new revelations are at hand and they stand head and shoulders above terrestrial thought processes in every respect. A community that embraces all human beings is possible once it has been recognised that every human being, as a spiritual being, developed from the UNIVERSAL SPIRIT GOD as a virtual original and that it can only occupy one single position in the cosmos: an incommutable position. To help him achieve this guarantees social justice: Because when only this particular person occupies its position and nobody else, will he be able to not take this position away from any of his fellow human beings. Correctly interpreted individualism and correctly interpreted socialism are conditionally interlinked, but it will not work without higher KNOWLEDGE! Man must first take a step in the direction he wishes to travel. If his personal goal harmonises with CREATION’S OVERALL SCHEME OF THINGS, helpful ASSISTANCE from the SPHERES of LIGHT will not stay away. Bad Salzuflen, January 2000