Nicotine, alcohol and drugs - Addenda

ELIAS : Yes, this is correct. This actually applies to all vices. Smokers are addicts, because nicotine is an addictive substance. But as the spirit finds it difficult to let go of this addiction in the hereafter, it must certainly suffer and nobody can help it. Question : Scientists asserted in the past that smoking stimulates, that it was supposed to calm you down and that your power of reasoning was enhanced. What does the realm of the spirit have to say to this? ELIAS : One didn’t know anything about smoker’s legs or lung cancer . The situation is different these days. We hardly know of anyone who is completely healthy. Smoking certainly innervates and quickens the circulation. Smoking does indeed momentarily influence the brain’s activities, but the smokes has to pay an extraordinarily high price. The bill of fare is presented a lot later . The duration of the stimulation decreases all the time and this to a point where one cigarette after another has to be smoked until a total breakdown occurs. Question : What can one do against this? ELIAS : Allow common sense to prevail and not smoke! - The end -