Jesus Christ - Addenda

2 Years 1956 – 1958 (incomplete) In regards to Christmas (Author: H. V. Speer, 1956) “GOD loved the world so much that HE give his only son so that all that believe in him are not lost, but have eternal life.” The LORD’S angels proclaimed the arrival of the SAVIOUR. The LORD’S angel still proclaim glad tidings these days . They proclaim a New Age and the salvation of terrestrial mankind from its faithlessness, which only brought us wars and misfortunes up to now. The glory of the LORD still lights the way for us these days , even though the battle between good and evil is in full swing. GOD cleansed the heavens and the same GOD will cleanse the Earth, this is why CHRIST lived on Earth before us. He was the first LIGHT in the terrestrial cleansing process. He will certainly complete the task he started in GOD’S name. Christmas is the festival of divine LOVE. PRESENTS are also given in the hereafter during those days, above everything else, RAYS of LIGHTS are sent to the unfortunate living in DARKNESS. But the DELIVERED also participate in giving one another heavenly GIFTS: • The GUARDIAN ANGELS for instance receive their PAY at Christmas, because CHRIST shows himself in his LIGHT that shines so powerful and bright that only refined souls can bear to look at it. • The nominations of GUARDIAN ANGELS, MESSENGERS of LIGHT, BEARERS of LIGHT and the LORD’S ANGELS take place at Christmas. We spiritualists, who know more about the truth than most of our fellow men, should also participate in the blessings of the divine LOVE. • We can easily present our departed relatives and also other soul in the WORLD of the SPIRIT with gifts by offering them our LOVE. We can do so through our genuine intersessions and prayers. Even the tiniest prayer can connote hope and joy. • But mighty and powerful are prayers these days that are send into the divine universe by groups or communities. The Psychic Peace Circle, Berlin , who is also involved in the common cause of Christian salvation, wishes all friends and seekers in this world and in the world of the hereafter a happy and healthy Christmas and GOD’S peace. – Amen. * * * * * * * Our otherworldly GUIDANCE continuously emphasises that they are bound by the truth and that they prefer to remain silent to using excuses or white lies. • All of us, and especially us spiritualists who are aware of the truth, should also abide by this truth. GOD cannot use liars and those with secretive manners!