Jesus Christ

CHRIST through HIS TEACHINGS and PARABLES have directed mankind onto the right path to redemption. Man must go along this path by himself! • The death of CHRIST has no influence over delivering you from your sins! This is a false dogma. Question: Why does the Church portray CHRIST as a SON of GOD? AREDOS: For mankind, GOD is unfathomable and inexplicable. To fill this gap, JESUS CHRIST was the ideal object. Here is something mankind can imagine. But because CHRIST mentioned that HE was a SON of GOD, one tends to call upon these words as proof. CHRIST always talked about HIS FATHER, who send HIM. CHRIST knew that HE was on a divine MISSION. • A direct descendant of GOD doesn’t exist! GOD doesn’t have a DAUGHTER as a DESCENDANT either. Like every other human being, CHRIST had the capacity to procreate and HE had highly developed psychic talents. HE had KNOWLEDGE and the ABILITY to communicate with the spiritual world. What ever else has been made out of it, is a product of the imagination of the priesthood and is to be called a cult. But the TEACHINGS are sound and originate from the spiritual realm. Question: Spiritualism knows of no other way to redemption but through instruction of how to be a better person. The Christian Church, especially the Catholic Church look at this with disfavour because in its opinion, it is too hard to accomplish. What do you say to that? ELIAS: I know that. The Churches are of the opinion, that humanity is saved through CHRIST, because HE was nailed to the cross. The scapegoat is already here and was punished for all those who believe in HIM. This is an illogical misconception. CHRIST wanted to give humanity only an example of intercession. HE wanted to achieve that people would do their own intercession. HE knew that the world would be a better place, if people would show more understanding and forgiveness for one another. Question: Your information is immense, but it will fall on deaf ears with leaders of the Church and their followers. Is science starting to listen? AREDOS: It is part of our MISSION to rectify the bible. But it contains so many errors that at the end, very little is left. • The contradictions embodied within it have contributed to make believing in GOD difficult. There are important TRUTHS that everybody must know. We endeavour to proclaim all that man can adhere to.