In the service of science - Part 2

This will not fall into one’s lap from ABOVE! The rule is: “Knock and doors will open.” However, one has to knock! Those that seek the truth must to so faithfully, but they must also be prepared to step on the bottom rung of the ladder first . One cannot instantly stand on the top rung of this ladder. The psycho-scientific doctrine is the greatest source of knowledge imaginable for academic science. It is worthwhile to reap its benefits. But one cannot exploit it! The Psychic Peace Circle continues to report its experiences October 1966 One cannot deny the fact that university science has often been wrong. It had to admit later that the things it disputed in the past were correct. - Assertions it often made, were later recognised as mistakes . But in regards to psycho-science, respectively insights into one’s survival after death, nothing has changed over thousands of years. Only political interests try to deny that psycho-scientific insights exist. They have however not been successful in offering counterevidence. One was not all that interested in psychology a few decades ago. It holds quite a prominent place these days. One only has to take a look at the great wave sweeping through the USA in regards to psychology. Psychotherapists are supposed to help. The things psychologists asserted with great success in the past have recently been put in doubt. One finds that the opposite is true: One assumed for instance that deep-sleep actually promotes recovery. One was able to control sleep with very nifty measuring instruments and one discovered that the new research results do not coincide with previous research results. We however only want to deal with what belongs to psycho-science , that is to say, the things we can explain according to our own research results. It has actually been established that infants, respectively babies, dream very vividly . With the help of electrodes attached to the scull one was able to measure impulses that have been irreproachably identified as dream impulses. The question for brain specialists and psychologist now is: • What can infants possibly dream if they have not yet experienced anything? Dream impulses are certainly not weak, on the contrary – they actually indicate an important dream experience. They can surely not only deal with images of the mother’s breasts or milk bottles.