In the service of science - Part 2

That all mental and spiritual functions are a form of physical emergence was erroneously assumed up to now. Eminent socialists and politicians also held this opinion. Science knows these days that this assumption is not correct. The sciences begin to enter the mysterious domain of invisible rays. Academic science knows with absolute certainty that movement exists beyond physical matter. Movement however means existence – ergo spiritedness. Besides our perceptible physical matter we also have to deal with anti-matter. This is not a philosophy, not an assumption either, but verified through incredible, excellent experiments. One has been able to make an anti-atom visible in the USA. Well, one was at least able to ascertain and measure it for a fraction of a second. No politician will now assert that this anti-atom was a one- off affair throughout the universe. Their malevolence might actually make such a definition possible. This fact can however not be denied by any DIAMAT . The anti-atom and anti-matter with it do exist . There are therefore worlds that exist beyond our perceptions. Time and the sciences’ endeavours are asked to create clarity here. Anyway, the DIAMAT has squandered its opportunities. It is an aberration and utter nonsense into the bargain. Can people still believe in a political philosophy created by people that did not possess the kind of scientific knowledge available to present day scientists? The Psychic Peace Circle continues to report its experiences July 1966 Some people, specifically physicians, always endeavoured to enervate spiritism and also its higher form, namely spiritualism. They have not succeeded up to now in spite of all their endeavours. This in turn verifies that the counter-arguments and the facts brought forth by experts within the spiritual sciences are so powerful that no thesis or definition can absolutely abrogate them. This battle between pundits is unfortunately rather an internal affair, because the public is not informed about which side is winning this battle. One can however observe that the definitions brought forth by medical experts are not exactly fair. Let’s take full-materialisation as an example, something that is one of phenomenology’s priced possessions. A good materialisation sees the creation of the phantom taking place next to the medium. A female medium can produce a male phantom, for instance with a full beard and other distinctive characteristics. The phantom can play the violin or give virtuoso concerts on special instruments. Things the medium is demonstrably incapable of doing. • The individuality of the spirit is thereby doubtlessly verified, particularly so when the spirit can talk and verify its identity as a deceased person. This does not fit in with medical science’s cognitions. They do not acknowledge these most eminent phenomena also. The reasons: The phantom is apparently a materialisation produced by the medium’s subconscious . It therefore represents a phenomenal effort of the medium, one that creates an entity through a split in the medium’s personality, virtually a spiritual child of its subconscious. – Is this a fair assessment? – It is therefore impossible to adjudicate this battle because of this calumniation.