In the service of science - Part 2

The Psychic Peace Circle continues to report its experiences February 1966 If one wants to hold a conversation about spiritualism with laymen, they immediately answer that the sciences have not yet acknowledged spiritualism, that they endorse their judgment and therefore reject everything else lock, stock and barrel. They say that they’re not scientists and one could therefore not ask them to accept something the scientists, who surely know better, reject. This is a position one can not really ignore from a logical point of view. This answer defeats the spiritualist. But what does the reality look like? Science does not look upon spiritualism as being one of its disciplines. It regards this research as something that is really religion’s domain. Beyond this, scientists are not people that know everything better. This is also a great mistake. But the layman who encounters a spiritualist makes the mistake of thinking that the spiritualist is not competent. Spiritualism is absolutely not a domain that exclusively belongs to religion, on the contrary – spiritualism is a natural science of the highest order . Most academic scientists are of the opinion that the spiritualist and the spiritualist’s medium are religious fanatics, respectively enthusiasts. They were therefore illogical and prone to fall prey to self-suggestions because of these characteristics. The reality looks completely different here also. Spiritualists must not necessarily have a religious character. It suffices for instance if they have a natural-science character. They even succeed if they have an atheistic attitude. There are spiritual circles in the USA that are frequented by Jews and they leave CHRIST completely out of the picture. And then there are sects that leave even GOD out of the equation. Many of these circles are completely non-religious and still maintain excellent contact with the world of spirit. But it always depends on whether these people are good inside, above everything else, whether they have a good heart . This is the reason why the term “religious enthusiasts” is not justified. We have naturally progressed beyond many of these stages. We accept GOD and his representative we call CHRIST. We accept a SPIRITUAL REALM organised according to Christian values. We are no longer looking for evidence, but correspond with eminent spiritual TEACHERS instead. We are looking for good answers to our questions. Our CULT is moderated, because all exaggerations and enthusiasm lead to the lower REGIONS. It is the same with light conditions. Spiritualism is certainly not shying the light. It is possible for it to function in full sunlight, well as recently verified, also under the bright lights used by television crews. We conducted some excellent experiments by candlelight. We also sat in complete darkness. But we conduct good experiments these days with seven candles on the table and two extra altar candles on the side. We also have five electrical blue-light lamps burning. Red light is better suited for the more physical spiritism. However, if one wants to hold a conversation with academic scientists about this, one encounters complete ignorance about this field of knowledge most of the time. Academic arrogance is a very dangerous attitude to have. This is where scientists make the great mistake of shutting their mind