In the service of science - Part 2

the cause , because one believes that the things spirits can do, living human beings can certainly do better. But can they really? This question has to be delved into in detail. Because of our extensive experience, this question has already been answered for us. Human beings fall well short of what spirits can accomplish. Spirits are however no extra-human beings. Spirits are souls that absolved a terrestrial life every now and then. They therefore possess all the human weaknesses and characteristics we also posses. Their spiritual development is either far advanced of ours or lacks far behind. We did and do not deal with the souls that are way behind our own development, but only with those that are far advanced of our own and we managed to learn a lot from them – at least in a way that we could not have learned from any terrestrial human being. Our spirits are better diplomats and also better teachers. This is something terrestrial human beings can not copy. If scientists hold the point of view that terrestrial man can produce all the phenomena one ascribes to spirits, they make a decisive mistake, because one is dealing with HIGHER KNOWLEDGE that cannot be copied. One is actually aware that neither the medium nor the participants at séances possess the HIGHER KNOWLEDGE that is revealed. This is the reason why one brashly asserts that this HIGHER KNOWLEDGE secretly slumbers in terrestrial human being’s subconscious to then break through during a séance . The subconscious can logically speaking never possess more knowledge than it has ever experienced , because it is only a reservoir of experiences and not a UNIVERSAL ENCYCLOPAEDIA. Our long association with the same spirits conveys very specific insights into the life of these ENTITIES. They are however different from us in respects to many things. They sometimes seem to act against our common sense, but this happens because they have to get by with different means and deal with different situations . Only years of keen observations provide answers. Average scientists who are not a member of a circle or do not have an extraordinary medium at their disposal are incapable of giving an adjudication about spiritualism or about spiritism . They can only express their own assertions. This spiritual science however does not require theories, it only requires evident experiences . None of their assumptions hit the target. It is the highest and most difficult of all the sciences that exist. A lot of darkness has already been eliminated. All we need to do is to make progress. This is why no seeker of the truth should be deterred by the negative utterances of so-called experts. Those that seek the truth will absolutely find it, even if it’s only pertinent for them individually . Those that encounter resistance should formulate the truth for themselves , it will surely help them. The Psychic Peace Circle continues to report its experiences January 1966 Mankind holds the point of view that investigating the hereafter is not necessary at all , because there are all these many religions – and those that are interested, can select one of these religions. A scientist asked to give his commentary on an occult television show would say: “Let the dead rest in peace.” – This is the reason why the world at large is of the opinion that those conducting