In the service of science - Part 2

Isn’t it about time that a decisive change is made here? – This change should not only be expected and demanded from the major Churches. The sciences must also be prepared to finally deal with this “hot potato”. The sciences must also admit their ignorance in this respect and they may not persist with a false pride that has already become more than just a danger for all of mankind. This human race has indeed gained some momentous insights and enormous achievements over the last centuries. Mankind has however remained spiritually static in spite of this , it has actually retrogressed in some respects. Faith in GOD based on an objective cognisance of GOD is not exclusively the domain of the Churches, but to a high degree the domain of the natural sciences. There is no sensible explanation for why spiritual affairs should not be part of any research into Mother Nature. An enormous mass of people live in all kinds of stages of development in the here and now as well as the hereafter. Research in regards to otherworldly living conditions, the SPHERES etc. is part of the universal human existence. It is undignified to exercise a separation between the here and now and the hereafter, because the hereafter is the SPHERE of EXISTENCE that inevitably awaits each and every human being after their terrestrial existence has come to an end. • When academic science shows an interest in the farthest stars, they can surely also show an interest in the spiritual realm. The Psychic Peace Circle continues to report its experiences February 1965 Question : Our present day development still has not managed to explain to the world at large that the human soul forthwith continues to exist after death. Is it the task of academic science or the sacred duty of the Church to explore the objective truth and to share their gained insights with the world at large? ELIAS : It is actually the assignment of the Churches , because they have all the means at their disposal, financial ones also and the opportunity to publish. The Churches have up to now failed in this respect and they will continue to fail . This is the reason why academic science must interfere in a filed of knowledge that is, strictly speaking, not its domain. • The day will come when the Churches will have to be instructed by the sciences. Academic, ergo empirical science, will have to explain to the Church what GOD is and also what a SPIRITUAL REALM is. Science will also verify beyond this that the human soul survives spiritually and that it continues to exist in the hereafter. It will also verify reincarnation thereby eliminating a whole series of dogmas. These are the answers we received so far from an eminent spirit teacher from the WORLD of SPIRIT. Looking at the size of the major religions, this answer has to make us feel deeply ashamed ! Religions that deal with man’s existence and who call their representatives “parsons” (person