In the service of science - Part 2

• We discussed these things with physicians and with scientists. It became all to clear that these people were not willing at all to maintain a neutral stance. The prejudices forced upon them and implanted at universities and their circles of experts, created mental barriers that prevent all insights within this field of knowledge right from the start. One should certainly not demand from the sciences to accept everything lock, stock and barrel. Gathering from our daily mail, we are all too aware of the incredible amount of absolute nonsense in this field of knowledge. The sciences must however also endeavour to separate the wheat from the chaff the way we do. We do not say that our wheat is the one that’s authoritative. We do however demand that the sciences sort their own wheat; it will then become authoritative for them. Choosing the sorting methods can however not be left to science alone, they are based on LAWS that spiritualism has investigated and experimented with for years. Only these LAWS apply to these insights and not the unreal prejudices of ignorant and self-opinionated people. The Psychic Peace Circle continues to report its experiences January 1965 Let’s assume that academic science would one day publicise that spiritualism’s results and doctrines are correct , this would result in an unimaginable spiritual about-face throughout the world. It would not be a mistake and also not a lie for academic science to undertake this step, but a justified step towards the truth . – The question is whether such an assessment falls within the area of competency of the natural sciences. There is a contrast between religion and the natural sciences: • The natural sciences spontaneously raise the ire of religion, as they do not fully accept its religious views because of their knowledge. • The Churches with their belief in GOD have not yet undertaken the required catharsis. Almost all religious denominations unfortunately contain too many mistakes and unscientific observations and they only lead to even greater doubts. Can one actually expect that the belief in GOD, with all that it entails, can in the future emerge from this contrast? One has to look for the mistake with both sides. The natural sciences have not asserted a serious claim on this field of knowledge whatsoever. Most insights gained by the natural sciences cannot be applied to metaphysics and the transcendental at all. The natural sciences therefore lack the foundation of objective appraisal. The natural sciences did not deal with the insights and also not with verified evidence about the WORLD of SPIRIT, but rather completely ignored it in a kind of academic hedgehog position. This is why mankind finds itself cursed with dangerous ignorance, something that has a negative effect on the whole behaviourism of the terrestrial human race. The whole sociological philosophy is marred through this dangerous ignorance. Even the natural sciences are negatively affected in many areas of their research, because they irresponsibly avoided the truth. • One can ascertain from this that many important observations made not only by religions denominations, but also the natural sciences, are wrong.