In the service of science - Part 2

opinion that they are dealing with some subconscious ingenious accomplishment of the human consciousness. One gives the subconscious ingenious qualities. – A different view is that of ascribing everything to superstition . All of these considerations however miss the mark completely. • Spiritualism is something that concerns every human being, whether they want to or not. The mental activity of the conscious mind is in itself an essential factor of spiritualism. We, as human beings, are more closely connected to the regions of the spiritual realm than we apprehend. Our thoughts are certainly not taboo. Each and every thought is extremely well received and immediately understood by some of the otherworldly. We also receive a lot of telepathic answers from this realm we regard as our own because we personally translate them, therefore taking no notice of where they originate from. Lots of otherworldly entities are our meritorious CO-WORKERS. The merit of many an ingenious invention falls to one or a number of otherworldly entities who continue their work in the spiritual dimension. • The better the friendship we have with otherworldly, the better the results will be. Those that attempt positive work – particularly of a spiritual nature – should therefore take this blessing-bringing friendship into consideration. • One cannot ask eminent otherworldly HELPERS to co-operate with us when the air is foul. Smoking in itself represents a hindrance. No human being on this Earth will have an excellent GENIUS at their side if they’re suspected of ponging. We should not be surprised that we do not progress politically when we see all these smokers amongst our politicians. We therefore recommend that all academics as well as all parapsychologists make sure that they pay attention to clean air and a clean environment when they do their work. The scent of flowers and a beautiful, harmonious environment supports all positive endeavours. • Those that deal with negative endeavours will specifically be inspired to commit new atrocities by the foul air they’re breathing. This is not a superstition, but a conclusion based on extensive experience in regards to the WORLD of SPIRIT. • The blame that so little is known about this lays squarely with a non-progressive Church, because it is actually its function to fulfil this task of indoctrination. But Church chambers, where spiritual work is carried out, are beyond description. Quite apart from abstract paintings , which are in themselves of a demonic nature, one can cut the air with a knife because of all the smoking that is going on. One is literally choking and this is also a drain on the Church’s finances. Our human race lacks a SPIRITUAL RENEWAL. Technology on its own will never be able to help us progress. We travel along a completely erroneous path and it will lead us into perdition. These admonitions are not to be taken lightly!