In the service of science - Part 2

out these derailments in order to damage its reputation, something the Churches also engage in. The Churches however see a dangerous competitor in spiritualism , one that corrects its dogmas. They fulminate against it and call it “hellish spook” and “contact with demons”. One can clearly see that the Churches continue with this aberration from the Dark Ages, the difference being that the inquisition side of it fell away. We recommend that every scientist seriously deals with this individually in order to form their own opinion. The general views on this do not apply. It represents the judgment of the negative side that has nothing to do with genuine contact. The Psychic Peace Circle continues to report its experiences May 1964 Senior Medical Officer, Mr. Gerbis participated in our séances for many years. He had the opportunity to study the work of the mediums and of the otherworldly in detail. This absolutely convinced him of the reality of one’s survival after one’s demise. This made him a faithful devotee of our work circle and he venerated our FRIENDS of LIGHT from the OTHER WORLD. This Senior Medical Officer corresponded with various capacities in the field of medicine. During the course of many conversations with his colleagues he tried to convince them of the reality of spiritualism . This was however in vain, because all of these physicians were completely unapproachable in this respect and did not believe one word he said. This friend of the spirits ceased his attempts at converting others because of his sad experiences. He was actually severely derided and ridiculed by his colleagues, well, he was joshed about his age and told: “Leave well enough alone dear colleague, we do understand you. It’s the same for everybody, we all gradually calcify.” This example shows us how difficult it is to fight against scholastically induced prejudices . A convinced physician is not able to correct this terrible mistake with the help of his authority. There is a whole series of similar cases. Some academics are complete convinced, because they had the opportunity to orientate themselves first hand. This orientation however only applies to them as individuals, because it is almost impossible to also convince other people of the absolute reality of this knowledge, people that were not eyewitnesses. – Academics accordingly lack the required open mindedness in regards to the difficult to understand. We want to demonstrate that otherworldly prophecies for instance can also represent a reality as follows: We published the following lines in our journal “Occult Voices”, Issue 12, Year 6, December 1955: