In the service of science - Part 2

• It would be a true blessing for the medical faculties if the physical could go hand in hand with the SPIRITUAL. We are presently dealing with a futuristic dream. A trip to the Moon was however also one of mankind’s futuristic dreams that has now already been realised. Why shouldn’t it be possible to realise an even better futuristic dream? – We hope that our experiences represent pieces of a mosaic that will make a contribution towards this. The Psychic Peace Circle continues to report its experiences August 1963 One assumes that the sciences stand in the service of truth. This is the reason why mankind believes everything that is asserted under the name tag of science. But it now happens that the sciences put forward all kinds of thesis’ and assumptions that have nothing to do with the truth. It is therefore unfair in these cases to identify publicists with an academic degree or an affiliation with a university, with the SCIENCES. Let’s assume that Professor Dr … with a professorship at a university, asserts based on his own opinion that there are no otherworldly spirits – and that the opinion of a number of people are simply a no longer justifiable superstition. The people, respectively the worldwide public, now react in the same way, because one mistakenly believes that the opinion of the professor represents the generally recognised conclusion promoted by academic science, even though the sciences or universities completely distance themselves from this subject. We can see how opinions, even those without any scientific examination and without any evidence , can find worldwide dissemination. • A title or an academic degree should not enter the equation as an additional underlining of a private opinion when it comes to these types of personal opinions. This is the usual abuse of a truth the general public has an absolute right to. This is where we find a lot of reasons for a general rejection of the objective truth, something spiritualism has delved into with all seriousness. And then there is the orientation of the press , an organ the whole human race is guided by. The press is represented by journalists, that is to say, by people that also rely on being indoctrinated by other. These people will first turn to academic representatives in all cases of doubt and they will also be guided by their opinions. However they do not write that one is dealing with the personal opinion of a professor, but report it in a way that one gets the impression that this is how it is and no other way is possible according to the sciences. • One can say with a few words that the public is not completely correctly and reliably informed by the sciences or the press. To what degree do the sciences deal with supernatural phenomena in comparison to those that have nothing to do with academic science, but have dealt with and arduously investigated these